First, I was so honored to receive from Sherry at Edie Marie's Attic

This award reads as follows~~
You have just received the tree of happiness. It is scarcely
a small plant, which depends on you to grow firmly and strongly.
Plant it on your heart, water it with your smiles and kindness,
feel the aroma of it's flowers, savour the sweetness of it's fruits
and protection under it's shade with whom you love.
Now the idea is to share 6 things that make you happy.
So here are my 6 happiness things to share.
1. It really makes me happy to live in a country that enjoys the ability to worship our faith in God.
2. My DH and DS make me very happy, to be blessed having them as my family. They both are wonderful and I am grateful! But, I can't forget my sweet Beazy. She can make anyone feel happy.
3. I am really happy on a rainy day when I can be closed up and cozy in my art studio, painting and enjoying creativity.
4. Finding the perfect pair of great fitting jeans! ~oh that is happiness!!
5. My dozens of books make me happy. How could I live without them?
6. Talking with a dear friend on the phone, makes me happy. Sharing all the girly girl things from A to Z. Sheer happiness.
I really could add much more. I guess that basically I am really a very happy person and so many things make me happy that it is hard to narrow it down to just six. But these are the rules and I will try and follow. LOL!!
Next, we are to pass this on to others in blogland. I decided to pass this on to anyone who stops by, as I feel you all are deserving of the Tree of Happiness award.
So feel free to copy the graphic and apply this to your site, share with others and enjoy the meaning.
Sherry, thank you for very much for passing this on to me. You are a real doll and I enjoy visiting you and learn so much whenever I do.

Next, I must also thank Fitty from Fitty's Pinky Rose Cottage for the Blogging Friends Forever Award.

The rules to pass on this award are to nominate 5 other people, four of which are dedicated followers of your blog and one that is new from another country. Post the Twinks Bank Icon and lastly link the giving blog friend who gave you this award.
So I nominate~~
Stephanie from Angelic Accents
Amy of Bunny Rose Cottage
Diane from Diane's Musings
Joan from Joan's Journey's
Lastly, the 5th nominee from another country is Nelia from Magio do Crochet
Thank you Fitty for this blogging friends forever award. So sweet of you to think of me and I am so glad to pass it on. As always, I have a very hard time picking just these few, so anyone else who stops by is very welcome to add this to your blog from me with always the best wishes.
Now I am feeling a bit more caught up. I know I have missed something or a tag or two along the way. To those I have missed a tag with, I am so sorry. The last few weeks have been so very busy, but I hope to be back very soon and share some pretty pics from New Mexico and our fun trip.
Here are a few from Santa Fe till I see you again next week.
On Sunday Brenda from The Brenda Blog is hosting an event called Where Bloggers Create. Make sure you stop by Brenda's on Sunday, August 24th for the links to a fun adventure in Blogland.
If you would like to join in on the fun, just go to Brenda's Blog and send her an e-mail.

Thank you for stopping by and till next time, Have a great weekend and Blessings always~~~ Celestina Marie