Oh how I wish to drift away in this sail boat and return to this rose cottage by the sea. Where roses are planted and the water so blue. Where days are lazy and the nights full of stars that twinkle off the water.
Are these days close by? I hope they are as I prepare to create new shells soon.
Perhaps roses in pink like they are floating on the water. Another cottage to spend summer days or a sail boat to drift off with dreams of days gone by.
With my garden trying to wake from it's winter slumber, I create and plan to work the dirt soon and feel the warm earth in my hands letting the inspiration guide my designs.
Are you looking forward to spring and warm summer days once again? Are you planning your garden? Could you be dreaming of beach or pool cottage days?
I will do both as I swing my paint brush and continue to create.
Have a wonderful February day.
Smiles, Celestina Marie