Some items to design a candlewick treasure and a crackle fabric rose.
Wood Grace sign with iron accents!
Vintage floral embroidery linen.
This vintage book of the Bobbsey Twins 1928. It reminded me of my childhood in the 60's. I had a sweet little girlfriend, and the two of us were inseparable. Our teacher in elementary school called us the Bobbsey Twins.
I also found a small angel fairy that I will use to design a little fairy/angel garden. More about that later.
Recently I received a few awards from dear friends. The first is from my dear friend Ronda of Ronda's Peachy Keen Life

Thank you Ronda for this award of honesty. The idea is to list 10 honest things about yourself. Put the logo on your blog and then select 7 more who deserve this award. Due to time and so many friends busy and on vacation. I will elect to share this with all or anyone who would like to play along.
Here are my 10 honest facts.
1. Honestly, I do not like polenta! LOL!
2. I am honestly not a card player. Ask my family!
3. Can not tolerate bratty kids!
4. Honestly love shoes!
5. I do not like it when someone is being made fun of in a hateful way.
6. Hate snakes!
7. Not a fan of lazy people!
8. I love sincere people.
9. Honestly love peanut butter!
10. I honestly love to shop, paint, and be with my family!
See I got a few more in there. Now anyone that wants to do this, have fun!
Next I was tagged by my dear friend Carolyn, from Draffin Bears. This tag is to list 6 uninteresting things about yourself that really make you happy. Then to tag 6 others to play along. Again, I will tag anyone who wants to join in.
1. Sip earl grey tea early in the morning and read devotionals, really makes me happy!
2.Painting in the studio on a rainy day, really makes me happy.
3.My family being all together, really makes me happy.
4. Taking a walk around my garden, really makes me happy.
5.Slow dancing with my guy! makes me happy.
6. Curling up with my sweet Golden or going on a walk, really makes me happy.
I have so many more, but that's it for now.
Lastly, I was awarded from sweet ilakate (nyakatn)from Greece, with a lovely blog award. The idea is to accept the award, thank the friend who gave it and pass on to 15 other blogging friends. Again, There are way too many I would love to award so I will pass it to all my friends who visit. I feel you all have lovely blogs. Have fun and thank you so much nyakatn.

Thank you for stopping by and enjoy the awards and tag. See you again soon with a garden journal.
Blessings, Celestina Marie