Good Morning another Monday. Today's marvels and musings is all about being thankful.
Thankful for so many blessings, you can't begin to count them. For us here in Texas it is about to rain once again, but before it does, lets take a walk in my garden. Musing among the flowers that are enjoying the crisp fall air. I love to walk around and view the beauty that God has given us to enjoy, the colors that bring so much inspiration and the splendor of nature. When I take this garden walk, I use the time to pray and reflect.
I also want to send a special thank you to Katie from Hummingbird Chats. She gave me the Honest Scrap award and I am go grateful and honored. It will be among the others I have in my slideshow at the bottom. And, since I have done this one in the past, I will not go through my 10 things about me again, but pass this on to anyone that visits here today. Enjoy it and be awarded!

Now let's take that garden walk!
And last, a little bouquet I picked along the way.
Thank you for taking a garden walk with me. I so enjoyed your company today. Many prayers go out to all our blog friends in need and some in sadness for loved ones that have passed. May God be with you in the days ahead. See you again soon with something tastey on Tuesday. Till then, enjoy your Fall day, Be Thankful and Blessings be yours. Celestina Marie