Sweet Roses, I do see.
Planted by my Dear Love One~
especially for me.
He chose the spot directly~
by love for sun's delight.
With blessings only they can offer,
through petals pink and bright.
When inspiration I am seeking~
I only have to see,
Outside my Art Shoppe Window
Sweet Roses bloom for me.
When I woke this morning to see my new roses in bloom I had this verse in my mind. So I quickly wrote it down and thought I would share it with you. Here are a few pics of the gorgeous Double Knock Out Roses that grace the front of my studio windows planted by my dear hubby last weekend.
We are still working on our yard redo and it is coming along well. I will share finished pics soon.
My brushes are calling as I have lots of new treasures to finish and soon to be in my etsy shoppe, so I guess my break is over. Thank you for stopping by and until we meet again. Blessings always~~ Celestina Marie