Welcome to week 2 of Blissful Whites Wednesday hosted by Becky from Timewashed.
It is exciting to be apart of an event starting from the beginning. Thank you Becky!!
One of the features that sold us on our cottage, is our white rock fireplace. It is situated in the center of our home, in a sitting room and the perfect place to cozy up, read and sit by a cozy fire. The chimney on the roof is also designed in this same rock and the first thing I saw when we drove up to view our home some 17 years ago.
The white wood mantel is changed often for the seasons and sometimes in between. Right now, I have used a vintage lace runner, fall leaf garland with tiny little lights, white and neutral pumpkins, and candle sticks in front of a white framed mirror.
The hearth is also created in the white rock and provides an extra seat when needed. For this season I draped it with a vintage crocheted throw, urn, pumpkins, and pillows in front of a shabby french firescreen.
This velvet pumpkin is my favorite sitting on the coffee table next to a white metal basket of natural elements. To the right is a keepsake book I coverd in burlap with white handmade crocheted roses. The tutorial for this cover is in my last two posts, if you'd like to try it.
On a side table I have a sweet white owl with big blingy eyes sitting next to a little wood trunk filled with Spanish moss, white pumpkin,roses and a vintage doily designed with a graphic from The Graphics Fairy. This process, to add the Paris graphic, is done using a clear chartpak artist marker along with graphic in the reverse and then burnished over the transfer to the fabric.
For these porcelain pumpkins, I added vintage flower earrings just simply clipped to the metal leaves.
Well, it will be time to greet the kids for Halloween tonight, I'll be comfy sitting here as I jump up to the door around the fireplace in the entry.
Thank you for visiting today. Wishing everyone a Happy safe Halloween and special fall harvest season while we remember and pray for the many friends and family along the eastern seaboard trying to meet the challenge of the historical Hurricane Sandy, as they rebuild lives and grieve for those lost. God Bless.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
Creating a Burlap Book Cover~ Finished with Lace Flowers, part 2
In: part 2 burlap book cover. celestina marie design 12:00:00 AM By: Celestina Marie
Welcome back friends to share in the finish of my burlap book cover. If you missed the first part, you can catch up HERE.
Chapter 2 in this beautiful book is called "Living and Working Enthusiastically" So with that thought, let me share the finish for the burlap book cover creating a pretty bouquet of flowers and leaves.
Here again in the finished look of the cover before. And let me say, no glue ever touches the cover or damages it in any way. This is a cover, meant to be pretty and keep the book in pristine condition.
Next, I added book ties to each side for a pretty closure when not in use. It just adds a charming element.
Now, lets set the book aside to create some pretty lace flowers using crochet doiles, lace trims and ribbons. Staring with a small 3" crocheted circle.
Fold in half and lightly hot glue. Remember, don't use too much glue. Just a little will be enough to hold the circle in place. Too much comes through the lace and looks messy.
Next glue halfway to the left.
Then bring the left side towards the right and again lightly glue in place.
Now you can adjust the flower pulling down some of the lace in a petal fashion to form a rose. It will look a bit like this.
Smaller rolled fabric bits of lace can form rose buds. Using different colors of soft white and natural colors.
After we get a variety of flowers for our cover bouquet, I'll set them aside to create the leaves. You'll notice a ribbon rose in white here too. I'll share the how to create those in another post later. They too are fun and easy.
To create the leaves, I use silk leaves from faux flowers. Cut the number you think will look right in the bouquet. Have a few extra, just in case you need to add them. Keep in mind, working in odd numbers of 3, 5 and 7 has a pleasing look to the finish.
Tip, when painting leaves or other small parts, I use a piece of cardboard with double stick tape to hold the parts in place. You can then paint away or embellish without holding the small element. Let dry and they will be ready to use. If you have to paint the backs, turn over restick in place after dry, and paint again. I find two or three coats work best to cover fabric leaves. The paint soaks in, unless you want a transparent style. It looks like this~~
While the leaves are drying, I begin to arrange the flowers on the front book cover getting an idea what will work best. Once deciding on the placement, I start with a solid crochet doily for a base to work from. You can see from the following pic, how the side tie looks.
Now add the leaves, flowers and glue in place.
And now the finished book covering my special book is complete and ready to display in a pretty way.
Here are a couple places to place this keepsake book.
Easy, fun and so cottage charming. If you would like to read about the book and why it is important to me, you can go back to part 1 to see.
Thank you for stopping by to view the completed cover. Hope you might try it. There are lots of ways to design book covers. This creation just worked for my book and the burlap fabric.
You may have another version that works too. Isn't it fun to share our ideas.
Have fun!
Prayers for everyone and all our blog friends in the path of the hurricane. Stay safe and God Speed. Keep Creating, Celestina Marie
Continue Reading
Chapter 2 in this beautiful book is called "Living and Working Enthusiastically" So with that thought, let me share the finish for the burlap book cover creating a pretty bouquet of flowers and leaves.
Here again in the finished look of the cover before. And let me say, no glue ever touches the cover or damages it in any way. This is a cover, meant to be pretty and keep the book in pristine condition.
Next, I added book ties to each side for a pretty closure when not in use. It just adds a charming element.
Now, lets set the book aside to create some pretty lace flowers using crochet doiles, lace trims and ribbons. Staring with a small 3" crocheted circle.
Fold in half and lightly hot glue. Remember, don't use too much glue. Just a little will be enough to hold the circle in place. Too much comes through the lace and looks messy.
Next glue halfway to the left.
Then bring the left side towards the right and again lightly glue in place.
Now you can adjust the flower pulling down some of the lace in a petal fashion to form a rose. It will look a bit like this.
Smaller rolled fabric bits of lace can form rose buds. Using different colors of soft white and natural colors.
After we get a variety of flowers for our cover bouquet, I'll set them aside to create the leaves. You'll notice a ribbon rose in white here too. I'll share the how to create those in another post later. They too are fun and easy.
To create the leaves, I use silk leaves from faux flowers. Cut the number you think will look right in the bouquet. Have a few extra, just in case you need to add them. Keep in mind, working in odd numbers of 3, 5 and 7 has a pleasing look to the finish.
Tip, when painting leaves or other small parts, I use a piece of cardboard with double stick tape to hold the parts in place. You can then paint away or embellish without holding the small element. Let dry and they will be ready to use. If you have to paint the backs, turn over restick in place after dry, and paint again. I find two or three coats work best to cover fabric leaves. The paint soaks in, unless you want a transparent style. It looks like this~~
While the leaves are drying, I begin to arrange the flowers on the front book cover getting an idea what will work best. Once deciding on the placement, I start with a solid crochet doily for a base to work from. You can see from the following pic, how the side tie looks.
Now add the leaves, flowers and glue in place.
And now the finished book covering my special book is complete and ready to display in a pretty way.
Here are a couple places to place this keepsake book.
Easy, fun and so cottage charming. If you would like to read about the book and why it is important to me, you can go back to part 1 to see.
Thank you for stopping by to view the completed cover. Hope you might try it. There are lots of ways to design book covers. This creation just worked for my book and the burlap fabric.
You may have another version that works too. Isn't it fun to share our ideas.
Have fun!
Prayers for everyone and all our blog friends in the path of the hurricane. Stay safe and God Speed. Keep Creating, Celestina Marie
Friday, October 26, 2012
Creating a Burlap Book Cover and Special Poem!
In: burlap book cover how to, celestina marie design, Tutorials 8:32:00 AM By: Celestina Marie
Greetings Blog Friends,
I just love books and have many in all subjects. All are very special to me, like this one that was my mothers, Helen Steiner Rice, Ambassador of Sunshine.
Decorating with my books can be found all over my home. I use them for lifts under lamps, on the coffee table, stacking for a special figurine, side table accent and so on. This special book is one you can pick up and read now and then and I love to have it out and ready to enjoy for the poetry among the story.
So in keeping with my decor and cottage style, I decide to create a book cover using burlap. Oh I love burlap for it's natural look, cottage charm and easy workability. When I first inherited this book, after my mother passed away, I opened it to the page with a bookmark, only to read a special poem there. It was just what I needed. Did my mother mark it for me? I'll share it with you at the end.
To start I found some great burlap rolls at Walmart in the Christmas garden section. They had 2 sizes with sewn edge. I used the smaller 10 1/2" wide roll for my book, measuring 7" by 9".
First, open the book to measure size and layout. Keep in mind the book has to have room to close, so measure and close to make sure it fits even and not too baggy.
Next, measure, trim and press edge turning in the raw edges on both sides. I then glued raw edges to itself to keep secure. (Quick tip, use your hot glue gun on the low setting. It will work just fine and not burn your fingers)
Close book again and adjust the fit if needed.
Cut end up to the top of the book in the center point. You don't have to do this, but I did because burlap is thicker then other fabrics and I wanted to have less bulk.
It will look like this, press and glue in place.
Close book and trim excess over the edge. If you have a book the exact size of the burlap width, even better~~ no cutting.
After trimming, remove book and open cover to add lace or any trim over the cut raw edge. Start placing the trim from the inside with enough room to fold over, press in place and glue lightly. Be careful not to use too much hot glue that can come through the fabric and look messy. Here a little goes along way just to keep in the fold over in place.
The two ends that hold the book will get a little glue very close to the edge to keep the book in place and from slipping out of the cover. This is important for burlap. Lighter fabric may not need it.
Place the book in the cover and complete~~~ and note, no glue ever touches the book.
Okay, do you think were done???? Do you know me???? Well, come back for part 2 and I will share what I did next to really cottage charm this cover. But before I go, as promised, the poem I opened this book to find, after my mother passed away.
"When I must Leave You"
When I must leave you for a little while
Please do not grieve and shed wild tears
And hug you sorrow to you through the years,
But start out bravely with a gallant smile;
And for my sake and in my name
Live on and do all things the same,
Feed not your loneliness on empty days
But fill each waking hour in useful ways,
Reach out your hand in comfort and in cheer
And I in turn will comfort you and hold you near,
And never, never be afraid to die
For I am waiting for you in the sky!
written by, Helen Steiner Rice; 1945
Hope you'll stop back Monday for the finished cover in part 2.
Have a great and creative day. Hugs, Celestina Marie
Continue Reading
I just love books and have many in all subjects. All are very special to me, like this one that was my mothers, Helen Steiner Rice, Ambassador of Sunshine.
Decorating with my books can be found all over my home. I use them for lifts under lamps, on the coffee table, stacking for a special figurine, side table accent and so on. This special book is one you can pick up and read now and then and I love to have it out and ready to enjoy for the poetry among the story.
So in keeping with my decor and cottage style, I decide to create a book cover using burlap. Oh I love burlap for it's natural look, cottage charm and easy workability. When I first inherited this book, after my mother passed away, I opened it to the page with a bookmark, only to read a special poem there. It was just what I needed. Did my mother mark it for me? I'll share it with you at the end.
To start I found some great burlap rolls at Walmart in the Christmas garden section. They had 2 sizes with sewn edge. I used the smaller 10 1/2" wide roll for my book, measuring 7" by 9".
First, open the book to measure size and layout. Keep in mind the book has to have room to close, so measure and close to make sure it fits even and not too baggy.
Next, measure, trim and press edge turning in the raw edges on both sides. I then glued raw edges to itself to keep secure. (Quick tip, use your hot glue gun on the low setting. It will work just fine and not burn your fingers)
Close book again and adjust the fit if needed.
Cut end up to the top of the book in the center point. You don't have to do this, but I did because burlap is thicker then other fabrics and I wanted to have less bulk.
It will look like this, press and glue in place.
Close book and trim excess over the edge. If you have a book the exact size of the burlap width, even better~~ no cutting.
After trimming, remove book and open cover to add lace or any trim over the cut raw edge. Start placing the trim from the inside with enough room to fold over, press in place and glue lightly. Be careful not to use too much hot glue that can come through the fabric and look messy. Here a little goes along way just to keep in the fold over in place.
The two ends that hold the book will get a little glue very close to the edge to keep the book in place and from slipping out of the cover. This is important for burlap. Lighter fabric may not need it.
Place the book in the cover and complete~~~ and note, no glue ever touches the book.
Okay, do you think were done???? Do you know me???? Well, come back for part 2 and I will share what I did next to really cottage charm this cover. But before I go, as promised, the poem I opened this book to find, after my mother passed away.
"When I must Leave You"
When I must leave you for a little while
Please do not grieve and shed wild tears
And hug you sorrow to you through the years,
But start out bravely with a gallant smile;
And for my sake and in my name
Live on and do all things the same,
Feed not your loneliness on empty days
But fill each waking hour in useful ways,
Reach out your hand in comfort and in cheer
And I in turn will comfort you and hold you near,
And never, never be afraid to die
For I am waiting for you in the sky!
written by, Helen Steiner Rice; 1945
Hope you'll stop back Monday for the finished cover in part 2.
Have a great and creative day. Hugs, Celestina Marie
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Hello, my name is Celestina Marie, named after my grandmother and my friends call me Celeste. My designing fun extends over 30 plus years enjoying the love of decorative painting, redesigning old and new treasures along with interior design, styling and staging. You can often find me junkin for that perfect treasure.
Join me as I share my journey!
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