Several weeks ago
I shared a few outdoor spaces around my
Rose Garden Cottage.
They were outdoor displays dating back five years ago.
We had lots of rain here in Texas since that post and I wasn't able to get
the after pics to share till recently.
Now as we are steaming hot
it's been sunny enough to capture a few more shots.
Bringing an updated look doesn't have to break the bank.
Paint, accents and accessories
can help bring in a fresh new look.
As I mentioned, these first pics go back five years.
That was the half way point to my blogging journey.
Yes, I've been blogging since 2006.
If you're like me, you change things often,
or maybe not.
Being the stager and styler that I am I love to rearrange often.
The way we live, just evolves over time so the spaces around my cottage change as well.
Here below is the BEFORE front porch.
And then the AFTER
Notice the changes?
The old tile porch changed to Oklahoma flagstone which was a look my hubby really wanted
and it has made a huge difference.
I repainted the door without the distress and undated hardware was added with a kick plate.
Large urns with twisted Arborvita bushes were added to each side of the door.
(these are faux, nothing will grow on this porch, it's just too hot)
I also took down the potato vine over the door
I still like that, so I may have to add it again.
In the fall I usually add a garland of leaves in the same spot or around the door
and at Christmas I added evergreens.
Living here in Texas, while I love fresh and real plantings,
I've learned with the heat we have in the summer,
it's okay to help mother nature along a bit with faux.
(it saves on the water bill too)
The door color is Farmhouse Red by Ralph Lauren.
The door urn replaced the rose wreath.
I love changing this with the seasons.
I got this a few years ago from Hobby Lobby.
I've noticed when shopping they still have them in stock.
Next I added a bench in the same color.
To the side of the entry,
Mr. Rooster came to stand guard over the cottage.
A brass eagle painted white hangs proudly over the door.
This eagle is a treasure that I've enjoyed in all our homes over the years.
We always find a spot to hang it near the roof peaks.
Small changes in the front yard that make for a big impact
bringing an updated look to my 25 year old cottage.
The next change happened around to the side drive.
Here is,
Behind this third car garage door,
is my Rose Garden Market Studio.
Here is the AFTER~
I love to design wreaths and
this one changed a bit too.
I simply added a trumpet vine garland
with a homemade bow made from
burlap and lace ribbon.
The welcome in the center
is from the Dollar Tree.
Another yard rooster enjoying the sun.
Sometime when my friends are leaving,
we sit for another little bit and continue our visit right here.
Lastly going around to the back patio space,
I made a few more changes and updates.
This is a half covered space
over the sitting area.
The before cushions were coverings I made, but after several years, they faded and just wore out.
I replaced those with the gorgeous navy cushions
which is the perfect complimentary color
to the rust on the patio floor and pool edge.
The outdoor lamps needed a freshen up
so I wrapped them with burlap ribbon.
The old vintage wood burning stove was from our home
in Indiana.
I've carried it around the country
in a few moves.
The movers were not too happy with me over that,
but accommodated my wish!!
It does burn real wood, but currently
I keep timer pillar candles inside.
These make for a cozy evening setting.
The rug was a springtime find on sale at Lowe's.
It's the same exact rust color of the patio floor.
What a find it was and opens the space.
The patio furniture is all weather wicker and
really stands the test of time and the elements here in Texas.
We've enjoyed this set about 13 years now.
This old fashion vintage hotel room vessel (chanber pot) holds lavender.
It was made for another function before bathrooms. haha
Great to have a tray near by to carry those refreshing drinks outdoors.
These vintage chairs are from the 1940's
and belonged to my parents.
They've been many a color over the years,
but I am loving this new shade of blue.
They work so well with the color change.
I added coordinating cushions for a comfy spot to enjoy
on a sunny summer morning.
The table is designed with tile inserts.
I took out a couple and exchanged them with tile
I had left from the kitchen.
It brings the Texas rust color outside
and accents the patio floor.
The new color looks great with the pool tile and rust pool edge.
In this area, we added the flagstone too.
Here I toss lots of shells to what I call our "stone beach".
You can find bags of these at the Dollar Store.
Why not make your own outdoor beach?
Thanks for stopping by this week
and sharing in my updates over the years.
As we soar towards the 100 degree readings,
I hope you enjoy the perfect summer day!
Stay cool and see you next week.