Dec.23rd 2004 was a very special day when my dear Miss Beazy Lee, our precious Golden Retriever, came to live with us. She was a surprise Christmas gift at 6 months old and given from the heart of my beloved hubby.
As the story goes, we, as a family have raised 4 Golden Retriever's. There was Bru, Buddie, Beau and now Beazy. She is the only girl we have lived with and she truly is my girly girl. The day she came into my life, she stole my heart away.

Born June 9th 2004, she came into my life at a time when our beloved Beau passed away suddenly at 11 years old. The vet believed he was just old and tired. My hubby and I were heart broken and I said, that's it, no more dogs. I can not go through this again.
However, Best Guy knew better and when he was offered a "pick of the litter Golden" from a fellow associate, he could not pass on the chance to give me a sweet puppy. While she was not meant to replace our Beau, she did give us a reason to give a home to another beautiful fur friend.

Thus the surprise on the 23rd of December. While I cooked and prepared for Christmas and the days to follow, dear hubs went off to pick her up from the vet who had given her 6 months shots, groomed and primped her all pretty, to come and meet her new momma. Remember, I did not know about this as I thought best guy was going to do something at work for a few hours. Back home he came and with him my precious 6 month old puppy. I fell in love instantly and life has not been the same since.

From the start she has loved bird and squirrel watching like in the pic below. She was only 1 years old here and her fur had not grown all out yet or feathered.

Sweet B has always watched TV too and has her favorites, like the Animal Planet and Pet Smart Commercials.

Texas is very hot in the summer months and Miss Beazy so enjoys a swim to cool off or just sit on the steps.

Just look at those pearly whites~~~ she loves to chew on a good dog bone.

A lover of walks and chasing critters. She loves being outside in the park or backyard.

Miss Beazy is now 7 years old and happy and healthy and given us more joy then we could ever imagine. I will always be thankful for the spot she has filled in our hearts and every Christmas I am reminded what a beautiful gift my Best Guy planned for me with a giving heart and much love. Thank you sweetheart.

Merry Christmas from Me and Miss Beazy Lee!