On the lookout for just the right fabric to top 2 large windows in a guest room and after searching with no luck, I decided to take a queen size sheet that I already had and fashion a header to top the eyelet floor length curtains in a cottage guest room.
To get this look, I cut a queen size sheet lengthwise in half giving me 3 finished edges. At this point you can finish the cut edge, but not necessary, since that side will be over the rod or window treatment holding the curtains. After I placed the sheet over the rod and adjusted the length, I began to gather in the center in loose and relaxed pleats, next I pinned in place to curtain underneath. Did the same for each end and also pinned in place. That is it. New look for just the time to pin in place.
Now, to really finish this decorating on a pinch, I will complete these by adding fabric rosettes at each gathered area. Either in a coordinating fabric or using more of the sheet design from the fitted sheet.
Recently my neighborhood had garage sales days and I found some great treasures. Here are a few, with more to share later.
New designs from the studio. Canvas and graphics with embellished edges. I have Christmas canvas paintings in the same style coming to my ebay shoppe soon.
Lots of new paintings are scattered throughout my studio, and I have to say, I am having a lot of fun this season with new ideas and creations.
Cooler weather has finally arrived and very welcome. As always, thank you for stopping by to visit. I look forward to visiting too as the week continues. Till then, Blessings always, Celestina