This season I have found a few small furniture and decor pieces to design like pedestal tables or tea tables, bread boxes (something I get requests for often) and small wall shelves. These are in the works right now and on the way soon.
Many vintage rose spoons are also included in this new group and a few cherry spoons too. I often miss the days of redesigning the large furniture treasures that I did so much of, but find the shipping and handling just too much on line these days to continue the larger pieces. I hope to paint a few local pieces though and I will share those here, when I do design them. But for now, it is back in my studio world and creating the smaller items that help make a cottage home your own. I hope you can join me to view of few of my new pretties.
Also, Market Monday started yesterday and will run all week long. You can visit my shoppe and other great shoppes by clicking on the graphic on my side bar to the right. There you will find a list of shoppes that carry many gorgeous items you are sure to love. This will be featured the first Monday of every month and go on all week.

Another source is the Cottage Friends Emporium, also on my side bar in a graphic. This site includes my shoppe along with many others who are apart of the top 100 shoppes on line. This is sponsored by a private group from Etsy Cottage Style.(please note, this is not affiliated with the Etsy site) So lots of sources for your Springtime shopping.

Here are a few of the items I have been creating.

Have fun and till next time,Blessings and Blue Skies,
Celestina Marie