The idea was to find a book you enjoyed or were currently reading at the time, with at least 123 pages. We were to turn to page 123 and read the first 5 sentences, then post the next 3 sentences on your blog.
I joined in the fun and this is the book I shared.
Before my Mother passed away she gave me a beautiful book called " The Book of Virtues" which is a treasury of great moral stories by William J. Bennett. Collectively, it is a book of many short stories perfect to read when you have a moment, waiting for an appointment, last thing before falling asleep or on the back porch relaxing. I love this book and whenever I start on a story, one leads to another and I find it very hard to put down.
When turning to page 123 I came to one of my favorites called "The Legend of the Dipper" This sweet story is retold by J. Berg Esenwein and Marietta Stockard. They wrote, that "The story suggests to the child that a kind an compassionate act is often its own reward."
Page 123 reads after the first 5 sentences~~
"She waited and waited a long, long time until the cup was full of water. Then she started down the mountain holding the cup very carefully, for she didn't want to spill a single drop. On the way she passed a poor little dog."
Do you know the story? Have you ever heard this one? Well, it is about a time long ago in a land where there had been no rain for a long long time. Everything was dry and the flowers were withered. All the people and animals were very thirsty. Nearly everyone was sick and very uncomfortable. One little girl in the town had a mother who was very sick. She decided to set out to find water for her mother to help her get well. She set out to find water with a tin cup dipper. After a long journey in search of water she found a little spring up in the mountains. It was nearly dry, but she did fill the cup drop by drop and set on her way back home to give it to her sick mother. 
The story goes on to tell how she passed a poor little dog on her way back home, he was very dry and she gave him some of the water from the tin cup dipper. The sweet dog was so happy and ran around in thanksgiving to the little girl. She did not notice, but her little tin cup dipper had turned into a silver dipper and as full of water as before she shared with the little dog.
She hurries home and goes right to her mother's room. An elderly servant who often helped the family was in the room with her mother and very tired and dry from caring for her all day. The girl's mother told her to give the old woman some water first. The little girl did give the servant some water and then her tin cup dipper changed to gold and was once again as full as before. She goes on to give her mother the water and is over joyed to see her mother get so much better. She begins to take a little drink herself when there came a knock on the door. Shes opens to find a stranger who was very dry, dusty and thirsty. He said he was very tired and asks for some water. The little girl being so very kind, gave him the rest of the water saying he needed it more then she did. Suddenly the gold dipper turned to a diamond dipper.
The stranger turned the cup upside down and all the water spilled to the floor. Where the water spills, a fountain begins to bubble over and cool water flows freely for all the people and animals. Being taken by this great event and watching the water, they forgot about the stranger, but they all thought they saw him vanish into the sky. Up in the sky clear and bright shown the Diamond Dipper. The story ends by saying, the dipper shines bright to this day and reminds everyone about the little girl who was kind and unselfish. It is called the Big Dipper!!
I love this story for the unselfish way the sweet little girl shares from what little she has with everyone she meets. It reminds us, it is better to give then to receive. I am so thankful that my dear Mother gave me this book. It is one of my loved treasures.
And, I am so happy to share this story once again in thanksgiving for the many blessings that I have been given.
I hope you are enjoying the warm Summer Days and till I see you again.
Blessings be yours,
Celestina Marie
Hello Celeste! I LOVED that story - it was so beautiful, and very touching. Thanks for the honor of a tag, it's a really good one - I will do my utmost to do it this week...and it will give me incentive to do a couple of other tags that I am woefully behind on :o)
I had a lot of fun showing off your blog to my aunt who was in town this weekend - I already turned my mom on to you. The just ooohed and aahhhed over your rooms and your painted items and such. And I love to come here and ooohhh and aaahhh myself! Thanks for sharing such beauty with us all!
Hugs and blessings,
Becky S.
Oh, what a wonderful story, it made me cry. I needed that story today, and I am so glad that your mother gave you such a beautiful book. I have never heard that story before and it is so beautiful. I believe that book should be in everybody's library. Blessings, Karen
Such a sweet story, Celeste!! And the graphics are magnificent. It is especially wonderful that your dear mother gave it to you.
I'll have to search high and low to find a book to match the brilliance of that one.
Aunt May's Cottage
I just stopped by again to let you know how you touched my heart today with the story you have shared. I mentioned just how much on my post today. Perhaps Celeste, you were just like the little girl in the story for me today. God's parables are ever present around us. Blessings, Karen
Thank you dear ladies. Yes, I love that story too and the meaning behind it. The graphics are not even from the book but rather from another treasure that I thought were so fitting for the story. A little girl starts out with just a cup, shares without wanting anything in return and ends with a flowing well. A good lesson to pattern our own lives by.
Thanks again for your comments,
Blessings always, Celeste
Oh Celeste, this story was so beautiful! I have never heard it before but I really enjoyed it. It struck a chord in me and reminded me of something I probably dont do enough. I may think I do but I truly dont. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I would like to get that book. I bet the whole thing is just as beautiful!
Love you,
What a sweet story! The unselfishness reminds me of a small child that holds their cookie up to share a bite with whomever is near. They are so loving in their innocence. I always enjoy your blog. Thanks for the kind words you left on mine.
What a touching story Celeste. I'm so glad it was on page 123! It's a story that I will remember always. Thank you for tagging me, this will be my first and it will be fun! Graphics were so pretty too!
Love you!
Shirls Rose Cottage
Such a beautiful post and story. Thanks so much for sharing it. I love your name pretty!!! I breed and show Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, and one day I just will have to name one after you!
Hi again,
Just wanted you to know, I have linked you to my blog...hope that was okay!
Oh, what a precious story! I just love it! I had not heard this one before. Talk about paying it forward. Wonderful moral, & so easily understood, even by the very young.
Must be something about the stars today ~ I just posted a bit about shooting stars. But I'm selfish....think I need to go read your book of virtues!!!!LOL
Big Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Love the beautiful bird house on your banner! It looks like you could walk right in the door!
Sandra Evertson
Hi Celeste I love your new banner. I'm going to have to look for a book to see if I can complete your tag request.
Celeste... this is just the most inspiring heartwarming story. Thank you so very much for sharing it with us. Just the sweetest message isn't it?
xoxo Heather
I love this tag! The book your mother gave you is wonderful. Kathy@ Mimi's Garden
Celeste, I have an award for you today. Please stop by and take it home. Have a lovely weekend. Blessings, Karen
Celeste, I absolutely loved this post and the story. What a wonderful idea too. I am so glad I stopped by this morning to read your blog. It was very uplifting.
Have a great weekend.
Hi Celestina! What a sweet story! I've seen this book, but never read it! Thanks for sharing, I will have to check it out! ...and the artwork was beautiful!
Have a wonderful weekend! :)
Hi Celeste,
I am new to your blog, and have put you in my favorites. What a beautiful story. I had never heard that one before. It brought tears to my eyes. We all should have that in our library. thanks so much for sharing it.
Hi Celeste,
I am new to your blog, and have put you in my favorites. What a beautiful story, it brought tears to my eyes. this books should be in everyones library. thanks for sharing it.
Hi Celeste,
I am new to your blog, and have put you in my favorites. I loved
that story. It brought tears to my eyes. Definately a book that should be in everyone's library. thanks for sharing.
Oh Celeste, what a beautiful story of sacrificial giving.
Sounds like a wonderful book. How sweet of your Mom to think of you.
Try to endure your heat and not faint--this too shall pass.
I'm just wondering WHEN?? lol
This July was the hottest on record!
Talk to you soon, friend!
Hugs to you.
Hi Celestina Marie,
What a beautiful and touching story and how lovely that your Mother had given you this special book.
Love the lesson we learn here, and yes, surely one we need to pattern our lives on.
Hope that you are having a lovely week and stay cool, dear friend.
what a precious book! I can see why you treasure it. That story was a heart tugger for sure. I love the illustrations. Thanks so much for sharing.
Everything is so beautiful and I just love seeing Miss Beazy Lee's precious face! Thanks for following my blog, too! God bless and hugs, Kerrie
That is such a beautiful story. I know that you will cherish that book forever.
Lee Laurie
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