Welcome to this weeks Vintage Alphabet Party from Etsy Cottage Style, bringing you the letters N and O. Take a moment and visit the participants to see the many vintage treasures in this catagory today and all week long.
Now this was a bit of a challenge, but I did find a few treasures among my vintage.
First for the N's I have to present, Necklaces and Neck Scarves
The first necklace is a black onyx and marcasite necklace from 1930. It was given to me by my mother in law and belonged to Mr. B Guy's grandmother. It is just the most beautiful vintage piece.
This next one is from the 40's and was my mother's. It is sterling silver chain link with clear rhinestones. It is a stunning piece with lots of bling.
I do not wear these necklaces, but do display them on a wire dress form with a vintage neck scarf.
The next two Neck Scarfs are from and made in Italy. They are gorgeous silk fabrics with pics of historical buildings around the Vatican. These were gifts from a dear best friend of my grandmothers in the 50's. I use them to decorate and display under table centerpieces. The colors are gorgeous.
Moving on to the letter O was another challenge, so I thought since I presented jewelry for the letter N, I would share my O and show you a vintage opal ring. Not sure when this ring dates too, but my dear Best Guy found it for me in 1975. It was a 2nd anniversary gift. The fire in the opal is so much prettier in person. It is not my birthstone, but a pretty collector piece. I still wear it today and also use it for a scarf ring.
Lastly for my O's I have to share my favorite treasure which is my Oak kitchen table from the late 1800's. Still sturdy and strong like the great Oak it originates from, I cherish this set dearly. The top has long been painted with my vintage fruit design to complete my tuscan villa style kitchen. The bottom is a pedestal style and has gorgeous details in the wood.
Thank you for stopping by today. Remember to visit ECS to enjoy other vintage treasures presented all week long.
Till next time, I will leave you with a pretty bouquet from my garden of hydrangeas and roses in a sweet vintage vase.
Have a wonderful August day, and always, blessing be yours!
Celestina Marie
Oh goodness your table is gorgeous! I would love something like that in my kitchen!
Love that table....gorgeous!
Hello Celeste... your Onyx necklace that was your best guy's grandma's is so stunning! And your rhinestone necklace of your mama's is just gorgeous! They both look so pretty on your dressform... and how precious that you have the beautiful Italian scarves that belonged to your grandma's best friend... what treasures! I love your beautiful oak table that you have painted... and your roses and hydrangeas in your vintage vase are also so pretty... of course, I love the little birdie on the vase... wishing you a beautiful week... xoxo Julie Marie
I love vintage jewelry and your necklace is so lovely.
Hi....smile. Your table is absolutely beautiful. All of your treasures are lovely. Enjoyed your blog post....have a wonderful day, dear friend.
Your table is stunning!! I LOVE it.
And I love all your jewelry as well. After several years of not wearing much jewelry, I have found myself enjoying necklaces and bracelets again. I am rather drooling over that onyx necklace.
Have a lovely day,
Your table is lovely but Oh the bling!! My birthstone is an Opal & that one is beautiful! I love the Onyx necklace too!!
Lovely things !!
Have a Great Week!
Hi Celestina! Your Vintage Alphabet is spectacular! First I have to say I love the Song, An Irish Blessing, on your player! It is beautiful. I'm gonna have to save that on mine..I've never heard that rendition by Roma Downey.
The Black Onyx Necklace really caught my eye...we have a Henry Harris Original hat here at the shop with the matching Onyx Beads!
Wow,that table is over the top! But so are the other vintage alphabet pieces you showcased Celeste:)
Everything's so pretty, Celeste. Your jewelry must be so precious to you, having been your mother's and your grandmother's.
The tabletop...gorgeous and a work of art that must have taken you a long time to create!
Jewellery is always nice ... especially diamonds, but I'd give it all up for your dining setting! It's simply divine and I love oak ... I can see today is my envy day, I keep seeing beautiful things everywhere. LOL!
Warmest Hugs,
Sandi @ Bearly Sane
P.S. Thanks for adding my button Celeste. X
G'eve sweet Celeste ~ Oh, my, the jewelry is breathtakingly gorgeous. I love the opal most ... my hubby had one hand cut in Australia for me that I treasure.
You continue to amaze me with your beautiful art, Celeste ... I love that table, oh, boy, do I!
Still crunching on the new house ... be back later on.
Have a wonderful summer eve ~
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
Your table & chair set is devine Ms. C! Just gorgeous, I can almost here the music in the background can't you? The smells of pasta...mmmmm Lovely. I'm not big on jewelery but your first necklace is beautiful. Hugs. T
I love that table and chair set - too yummy...
I've entered a contest to win a walk-on role on that retro-licious TV show, "Mad Men".
If you wouldn't mind taking a couple of seconds to vote for me, go to my blog, or copy and paste the following link which goes right to my picture:
Thanks a bunch!
Hi Celestina!
Your alphabet goodies are gorgeous! My favorite is that onyx and marquisite necklace..so beautiful! Thanks for visiting my blog...I will be back again to visit yours and see all your pretty creations! karen....
Hola Celestina!
mi amiga querida, que bellezas nos mostras....los collares son un tesoro! divinos y muy femeninos..
las bufandas de cuello son hermosas,y el anillo una delicadeza un sueño..
todo encantador lo que nos mostras
te deseo un dia hermoso
y un cariño para tu Sweet Golden Girly Girl amo los animales
Hi Celestina Marie,
I loved seeing your beautiful old treasures ~ your jewelery is so gorgeous and even more special when it belongs to your best Guys Grandmother and Mother. Also the silk scarves are lovely as is your oak dining table and chairs.
While we were away we went to an Opal Mine shop, that showed a video on how they mined the precious stone.
I could not get over how expensive some of the stones were ~ $70,000
Hope that all is well and the weather is not too hot there.
Have a happy weekend
the black onyx is stunning! Rachaelxo
Beautiful! I am chiming in late here as I just joined the Etsy Cottage Style Ning/blog site and found your N-O link there so went to check it out. The jewelry is gorgeous!! I love marcasite and rhinestones. Looking forward to seeing you on that other site, too. :-)
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