Today we share and offer treasures that touch our hearts with "Simple Delights" The cherished items that bring back memories, or the new pretties that make new ones.
Please join us as we shop the many fabulous shoppes offering treasures with our shopping with a twist today. I have picked a few items from my shoppe to fit the theme and you can visit HERE to see those "Simple Delights"
For me, Simple Delights are the dear and special treasures I have collected over the years that give my family and myself so much joy. From a comfy crocheted throw to knitted slippers made by my grandmother, these are truly simple delights.
This time of year, as we approach this special holiday season, I remember all the wonderful Christmas dinners enjoyed on my mother's and grandmother's blue willow dinner plates. I can still remember helping my mother to set the table with these beautiful blue and white plates. The dinner always tasted better at mom's and even more so on these plates. It was a special occasion when mom pulled out those plates from her china cabinet.
Today, I use these very same dishes everyday in my kitchen. Everyday is special when we have dinner using these plates. We remember and feel close to times gone by. Times we can only remember now in our memories, but occasions that surely bring us to appreciate a simple delight.
As I walk through my home, I am always thankful for the blessings in small and simple treasures. It may be a little pillow, a candle holder, sweet tea cup or a treasured book. All items that have a connection to who I am and where I have come.
I hold dear all those wonderful simple delights that can never be replaced. To view them every day, is a gift!
Recently I found a vintage sock darner and it made me smile as I remembered my mother and grandmother using one to darn socks. It was a time when we did not throw away or toss aside, but rather mend and fix and give new life. A pair of socks had a few more good miles once mended. While we may not mend socks today in the same way, when I found the darner it had to come back with me to the studio for a redesign.
It was then, as I observed the tool up close, I was inspired and my thoughts went to thinking of the little verse, "Hands to work, Hearts to God" Thus created this little Christmas ornament or one to share with a sewer or vintage sewing tool collector. I added a couple little charms to accent the meaning.
Perhaps a Simple Delight.
Another simple delight for me is my joy to own my great grandfather's shoe molds. He was a shoe designer in Italy when he came to America with his wife and six children, continuing his creative muse designing shoes to feed his large family. This may just be the reason I love shoes so much. LOL!! It's got to be in the genes!
Anyway, I love to redesign and paint shoe molds, although I keep his original and on display a top a large shelf gallery in our staircase. They give me great joy to know how hard he worked and how those molds made shoes for many through the years and helped to raise six wonderful children.
As I continue to find vintage molds here and there in my treasure hunts, this one caught my eye a month or so ago and it quickly became a shabby rose delight.
Whatever you love and call your Simple Delights, I hope you are blessed to enjoy each and every treasure that give your heart happiness and great joy. It really is a special blessing from above.
As we begin the holiday season with Thanksgiving so near, I'd like to also invite you to visit Make Mine Pink for a Holiday Shop Hop starting today Nov. 19th through Sunday the 21st. One spot to shop for treasures from many wonderful on line sellers.

I will have a few items included and also these new winter snow trees sold separately with hanging word ornaments and stars removable for you to design a look however you choose.
They are carved wood, hand painted fresh crisp white and glittered throughout with fur trim for snow at the base. A simple delight that is simply divine for the shabby and chic cottage home. They are a nice size too, measuring 18 tall for the large and 14" tall for the medium size.
Thank you for taking the time to visit and share in a few Simple Delights. I also want to thank you so much for the well wishes and encouraging words some have shared in emails to me after viewing my little ads in some of my favorite magazines this season with opportunities with MMP. My newest is Romantic Homes. I was just overwhelmed when they contacted me, last July to offer a place in the little pink pages starting with the November 2010 issue. Hey, at first I thought it was a spam, but I quickly learned it was for real and the wonderful people at RH's a true delight to work with. God is truly opening new doors all the time and I am so blessed to be on this journey working in what I was born to do. Yes, another simple delight!!
Blessings for a special weekend.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
Dearest Celeste,
Good morning sweetie! First of all your words about fixing things and your grandparents brought tears to my eyes this morning... I'm so thankful for the wonderful memories you & I have of our grandparents. Next, ALL your creations are fabulous! The darner is delightful and I love the little bow you put on the lovely painted shoe form, what a great finishing touch.
And congrats and being incorporated into RH!! That is incredible and you are so worthy of having your business & wares linked to such a great publication. I'm so proud of you!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and Larry... I'm so blessed to know you both, Sherry
I feel the same way Celestina about family treasures, things that remind us of the ones we love or remember with love!
I find that the older I get the more important those family things become. Thanks for sharing your memories and what they mean to you!
Tina xo
Hello dear Celeste... what a beautiful post just full of lovely things and precious memories...you and I share the same love for all things that once belonged to our family members... I too remember mama darning socks, and your pretty pink roses darner is just gorgeous! Seems like it was a relaxing thing for them to darn socks... I would not mind doing that today... I love that you use your grandma's Blue Willow everyday... I have my mama's, but it is in my hutch... you have inspired me to get it out and use it... that is so interesting about your great~grandpa being a shoemaker!... yes, I am sure you inherited your love of shoes from him!... Also, I am so excited that Romantic Homes contacted you and invited you to join them... I knew people could write to them and request to place an ad, but the fact that they contacted YOU, well, that just says it all about how very beautiful your handmade treasures are and they want everyone to see them! Just got my newest issue, can't wait to see your new ad... much love to you... xoxo Julie Marie
First of all...Congratulations for getting to be in Romantic Homes Magazine.I am so excited for you. That is one of my favorite magazines ever. You are so right about God opening doors. As I was reading this post it brought tears to my eyes and a smile to my face thinking about special things that I hold on to because of special memories attached to them. I have several things that belonged to each one of my grandmothers that I will cherish because of them. When I see these simple delights it takes me back to such special times in my life.
Thank you for this post.
Lee Laurie
Dearest Celestina Marie,
Congratulations for being featured on Make Mine Pink!
What a great writer you are! Not only the art of writing itself but so pure and straight from your heart. Your heart must be a treasure trove full of fond family memories. They will come pouring out in your art work for the rest of your life; no doubt! Precious story about your great grandfather! No doubt it runs in the genes for loving shoes; quality Italian shoes that is! Mine are all made in Italy and they fit like a glove. That's one thing I miss about not living there anymore...
By the way, could you design another Family sign with yellow roses for me? My dear American Sister loves yellow roses and they so graciously adopted us into their family. That would make the ultimate gift for Christmas, especially made by you!
Have a great weekend,
I love it when you share memories of your family Celeste...you are so lucky to have them.
The shoe moulds make perfect decorator items especially when you paint them so prettily with roses.
Warmest Hugs,
Sandi @ Ess D'Ess Bears and Bearly Sane Studio
Hi Celestina Marie,
Love reading about your happy memories of your dear Family.
Oh yes, the Christmas dinners and special times around the family dinning table.
Also loved hearing the your Grandfather made shoes, how amazing and that you have the lasts of his.
That is so exciting that Romantic Homes contacted you and your pretty creations will go so well in the lovely magazine.
Have a happy weekend
Love the beautiful sock darner and shoe mold, Celeste! More of your magic! Funny, but as I read your sweet post, all I could think of was all the lovely little items I have of yours here in my home that ALWAYS bring me such delight!! Simple delights are surely the best!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Oh lovely Celeste, what a simply delightful post! I have such a lot of simple delights in my castle as well that give such delight to have, treasures from my Granny and the very best one which is of course the delight my Princess simply brings to my life! Rachaelxo
G'eve Celeste ~
I don't know where to begin with all this beauty! I love the shoe molds & the sweet memories you shared ... how precious to melt a heart. And, what a clever way to use them, hadn't thought of this.
The sock darn piece brought back memories of Mother sitting there working on all the socks ... I hope I can find it as you will receive it for a beauty lift, if I do.
Congrats on your feature in the magazine, I love it. No one is more deserving than you.
You are one very special beautiful lady ...
Have a beautiful & blessed Thanksgiving ~
TTFN ~ Hugs & love, Marydon
I love love love the darner and the shoe forms...well everything you create is beautiful.
We all know that. How are you. I have just started to blog again and would love to have you stop in.
Hope your Thanksgiving is just amazing.
Love and hugs,
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