Many years ago, in the Autumn of the year I recall a special time and visit from my mother. She was always one to treat you to gifts upon a visit. This particular Fall season, mom was coming home from an appointment when she stopped along the way at a little boutique she thought looked interesting. Browsing all the pretties in the unique shop, she came upon a few apple dish pieces, the last ones left in the shop of that design. At the time, my kitchen was decorated in apples and any collectibles I could find found a place among my treasures.
The pieces mom found were an apple mug with sugar and creamer, pie plate and 2 votive cups. So with the loving heart she always carried, she purchased the last of the stenciled apple line in excitement to gift them to me. You can imagine my surprise when her gift was handed to me, wrapped so pretty, and given with a smile that always lit up a room.
I was thrilled to receive these apple treasures from my mother. To this day they are treasures I hold dear. Not because of the material value, but the sweet envision of my mother browsing the little boutique and finding a gift just for me. She seldom purchased something for herself. Always putting others first, with thoughtful and endearing ways.
I think of those special moments every Autumn season when I see a bowl of apples or browse a little boutique with a Fall display. She was one of God's special angels and sent to earth to teach me how to live. For this I always give thanks.
Today with cooler weather and special moments along a very busy work week, I take the time to relax, reflect and enjoy a mug of tea or hot chocolate, cider or vanilla coffee in my special apple mug. Maybe I'll carve out some time to turn those apples into a pie. I just might~~ but for sure I will remember special memories, mother and the joy of giving.
Thank you Mama, I love you~
Please visit our dear hostess, Sandi of Rose Chintz Cottage for the list of more participants sharing tea time.

Hi Celestina,
what sweet memories you share. That is a real gift which has been bought just for you. Apples are the nicest fruits, aren't they. I think that is the reason whay an apple was the temptation in paradise.
Best greetings, Johanna
Hi Celeste, what a beautiful post and warm loving thoughts about your mama... she sounds like such a wonderful lady (just like her daughter)... how sweet of her to pick out the special apple treasures for you... they are so pretty and I know how much you must treasure them for the memories they hold... how comforting it must be to drink a cup of coffee or tea from your special apple mug and think of her... much love to you, xoxo Julie Marie
Hi pretty girl, your dear mother's gifts to you are treasures for sure, the're priceless! I love apples, they're also so cute too, thank you sweetie for sharing them with us, I feel all the love in the apple things, I can just imagine your dear lady gifting them to you. Lots of hugs, FABBY
What a beautiful post, thank you for sharing those precious memories.
Unfortunatly I have not a mother full of love and maternity,she is sad and hungry with all the world,comprising her soons and daughters.I hope to give my next family all the love that I have not received during my first 35 years and that my children will talk about me like a little angel,this is a rare gift of life.Your mother has done a very good life in peace with God.
Celeste, that is a lovely memory of your mom. Happy autumn to you. (I'm finally accepting it is here but still haven't put fall decorations outside yet)
Dear Celestina,
You have a very sweet mother to go to the trouble of finding something special for you. You are blessed! Thanks for sharing your sweet apple inspired tea things and your special memories of her. Have a beautiful week, my sweet friend.
What a sweet post! Thanks for sharing. Everytime I think of apples I think of the Disney Cramel Apples. I love them!! If you ever go there -- you have to try one. They are the BEST :)
Have a blessed week my talented friend!
Celestina, what a beautiful memory of your mother. I hope I can pass on a special memory to my children.
Beautiful wonderful memories from the past, Celeste! I enjoyed the story behind the apple dishes....aren't moms wonderful people?
What a sweet and precious story. Thank you for sharing.
I have that same Gooseberry Patch cookbook. Those are such wonderful many fabulous and fun ideas in addition to the delicious recipes.
By the way, my mom has had an apple-themed kitched for the last 35 years. I'm sure she has 300+ apple items throughout her kitchen.
What lovely sentiments Celeste, you are soooo very lucky to have such beautiful memories of your mother to last your lifetime.
It's funny how so many of us have had an "apple period" in our lives, I have just given our apple dinnerset away, desperately trying to make way for all the additional new pasta machine pieces recently purchased. (Hubby's becoming a dapper hand at pasta making!)
Have a lovely week,
Your memories are as sweet as the bite of a crisp fresh apple. Mothers tend to do for others always and not for themselves. Your treasures are lovely and I can tell your mother was a lovely lady.
Dearest Celestina Marie,
What a dear Mama you had and still have as she is watching with that same smile from heaven down...
You wrote it so well and that really shows the fabric you're made of.
Enjoy the cooler weather, here too it feels far more pleasant.
Love to you,
Love your post! What special memories of your Mother. I love apples and they *scream* fall to me! Lots of memories of going to the apple orchard and having a picknic and drinking cider.
Hi Celestina Marie, isn't it wonderful to have memories like this.
I love your darling apple things.
Blessings, Barb
Celeste, truly the memories must waft out at you when you use these lovely ceramics. :-)
Now, if only you had some real fall weather to go with them!
You're truly blessed.
Hugs, Diane
This post is such a lovely testament to your mother's thoughtfulness. I imagine that you pass on similar kind acts to others.
Hi Celeste~What beautiful memories you hold dear!
Love this touching and very sweet post :)
Thanks for putting a smile on my face sweetie :)
What a lovely memory to treasure. I agree it's never the value of something but the thought, love, care and time that went into selecting it that holds a place in our hearts forever. Wishing you a beautiful autumn week-end filled of memories, pie baking and enjoying tea in your beautiful mug! xo HHL
Hi Celestina, I have enjoyed reading your blog tonight. It is so wonderful to share the memories of one's parents. I haven't seen any apple dishes in a long long time. You are so very fortunate. I love the fall of the year. It is my favorite time of the year to travel. Have a great day. Your Missouri Friend.
I love your little apple dishes! I still have apple accents in my kitchen. I have always decorated with them.
Your Mom sounds like an amazing person who liked to serve others. I just returned home from a banquet to support a free Medical Clinic in our area. Those people are so giving with their time and resources!
How did your test go?
Take care and hugs to you!
So sweet your loving memories of these gifts from Mama, Celeste. I am sure she was bursting with excitement as she gave them to you & saw your loving joy as you opened the gift. They are just beautiful.
Was so good to talk with you & am so glad that all went well for you with your tests, sweetie. I could have chatted for hours, but knew you needed to rest. Thank you God for a good report.
You will wish to read today's share ...
Hugs & love,
Hi Celestina Marie.
You must have happy memories of your dear Mother and isn't it lovely that she shared so much love and kindness with you.
Love the sweet apple tea dishes.
Was glad to hear that the weather is cooler and must be pleasant.
Hope that you are having a lovely week
Dear Celestina,
What a lovely apple teatime vignette of the darling dishware and tea pretties that your precious mother gifted you with, So heartwarming!
Hugs, Wanda Lee
Oh girl, you mama sounds like the most amazin' woman and I adore the apple~ware. Soooo cute!
You are blessed sweetie!
Have a fantastic Thursday :o)
What a lovely memory, and your words and photographs paint it vividly for us. Your mother loved you so much and such a special keepsake for you to reflect on forever.
i wish you warm,romantic and happy fall
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