Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Looking Back at June!~

As we are about to welcome 
June 2016, 
I thought it would be fun to 
revisit a post looking back at 
June 5 years ago.

I certainly have changed the outdoor areas around
my Rose Garden Cottage since then.
As a decorator,
I redecorate often.
Nothing stays the same for too long around here
as our home evolves over time.

Our porch is not one for front porch sitting,
but I still love a pretty welcoming entrance
adding  character and decor.
An entrance that says welcome and come inside makes for huge curb appeal.

Since this photo below, 
we have repainted the door in a Ralph Lauren Farmhouse Red
with NO distress on the door.
Distress like this was the thing then, not so much now.
Next we re-designed the porch floor with
Oklahoma flagstone
added large stone urns from Mexico on each side of the door.

I promise to share the new pics soon.

The rose wreath below has been replaced
with a door urn shared many times over the last few years.

I took down the trailing faux potato vine,
but after seeing this photo,
I might like to add it once again.

This is the side entrance below
behind this third garage door,
 is my studio.
The studio is still there,
 but the front has been redesigned too.
Changes just happen here!

Going around to the back porch,
a lot has changed here too.
From the cushions, to the area rug and accents,
it's all different now.
I painted the vintage shutters white since this time as well.

The furniture and lamps are still going strong.
The faux wicker has sure stood the test of time 
in the hot sunny Texas seasons.

Thanks for stopping by today 
taking a walk down  memory lane 
looking back at a June past.

I'll update the new look and share that next time.
Maybe I'll incorporate some old looks again.
We shall see!!
Come back soon and see the rest of the story~

Enjoy the last day of May 
and Welcome June!!

Have a great new week.


eileeninmd said...

Hello, You have a beautiful place. Wonderful decorations, your front door and entrance is lovely. The back porch is beautiful too, looks like a great place to relax. Have a happy day and week ahead.

Roosterhead Designs said...

This was fun Celeste! As I have not seen these photo's before : )
Am looking forward to seeing your updates and such~ Love the welcome and peacefulness your home exudes~ Have a blessed day, Karen O

Creations By Cindy said...

Oh I have enjoyed looking at your beautiful pictures from 5 years ago. You do know you can decorate girl! Everything is always so beautiful! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Unknown said...

Celestina Marie, Thanks for teasing us gently. I know the next post will be fascinating. Can't wait!

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

What fun to look around, my friend. I love taking a peek at how others decorate. Your studio is so charming, which of course, I knew it would be! I'm glad that your faux wicker has held up so well. I must say, that I love the look of your wood burning stove, with the little mantle above. That's a sweet additon! Is it electric or just for show? Whatever, it adds so a nice ambience. I look forward to seeing the changes you've made. Love and blessings to you!

Julie's Lifestyle said...

Hello Celestina, it is so nice to look and see how you change things around with a house throughout the years. I love the look of your pretty house and I'm looking forward to seeing more. I hope you have a wonderful week and happy June to you.
Julie xo

Alessandra said...

I remember these fantastic shots. Your home is gorgeous inside and outside. I love everything especially the fairy wreath. Thank you very much for the sweet comment

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

Cool seeing how our tastes have changed in that short time span. thanks for sharing this.

shortybear said...

nice look back

craftyles said...

So fun to see all the changes and going down memory lane. I love how you decorate your entrance. Note to self-I need to do something in mine. Love your pretty sitting area too. Try to stay dry-what is up with all this rain? Stay cozy.

Blondie's Journal said...

it is such a treat to see your stylish front porch, I don't think I ever have. I'm sure passerby's know there is one creative lady behind that door! I wish we had a large porch but we don't so there isn'y much I can do other the sam old thing. :(

Your back porch is just as lovely. What a great spot to relax with a cool drink! I love your creativeness, Celeste!


Kim said...

It's so fun to look back, isn't it? Your spaces were lovely then and I can't wait to peek at the update!

decorayadora said...

Hi dear celestina ,, que linda entrada ,,, espero que tengas un muy buen día

20 North Ora said...

Good memories from 5 years ago.


Valerie-Jael said...

Beautiful post, have a good month! Hugs, Valerie

Claudia said...

Dearest Celeste,
thank you for this looking back post! Wonderful decorations make your home looking warm and comfortable and filled with so much Love!
Lookking forward to your new post, sending Love and hugs and blessings your way, my friend!
Claudia co

Anna said...

Your house is indeed a sweet home...

Daniela said...

It is I, my lovely lady, who want to thank you for all the BEAUTY you always share, these photos are new to me, 5 years ago I wasn't on the web yet, but your signature is always the same, filled with good taste and much love !

Hope you're having a beautiful week, sweetie, I'm sending my dearest love to you

xox - Dany

Jan Hermann said...

Thanks for sharing and reminding me what things used to look like. I know all about changing things around - I do it all the time too! Sometimes, even before I've decided to take photos!! LOL!

Linda M. said...

Your home is so beautiful and I love all of your wreaths. Thanks for the inspiration always.
Joyous Wishes, Linda

Gypsy Heart said...

Your home decor is always beautiful! I love the space you have for your studio and the sitting area in the back is great. Can't wait to see the new touches you've added! Glad you have a red door ~ my favorite color! :)

Have a blessed week my friend.

Love * light,

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

I love to look back and see where my mind was at at that time. I enjoyed looking at your pictures from the past and look forward to the new ones to see what you've been up to!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

It wouldn't be fun if we didn't change our décor! With the seasons or with the seasons of our lives, change is inevitable, and when you can choose what color or style you want, then GO FOR IT! Happy June, Celeste! Anita

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

A great look back. Would love to see your updates! I love looking back to see how much my tastes have changed. I am a stickler for not changing things once I get them how I want them but done a little at a time makes a huge impact.

Sue Kosec said...

I just gotta tell you ... before or after, it's all beautiful to me.

You certainly have the decorating knack!


Linda Walker said...

Hi Celestina,
Your house looks so inviting! I love the front porch decor, the garage door with the settee, wind chimes....how perfectly charming! Your rooms are also decorated with such perfection! You are quite a talented decorator!!!! Sending love to you my friend!

Conniecrafter said...

That is neat that you had done this post awhile back and can look back and see some things that you might like to change back to, or happy that you made the change, I don't do much moving around of big items, I tend to replace a lot of things every season but that's about it, your home is just lovely!
Praying all that rain I hear Texas is getting isn't effecting you.

Tete said...

That was fun! You should do before and after picks...or maybe one pic for every year. Would love to see your evolution as time goes on.
Same thing here, always changing it up. That's why the guys have the eye roll thing down to an art.

Andrea Ostapovitch said...

It's so much fun and so very interesting to look back on past years.

Debbie said...

What a fun post, Celestina! Your home is just so pretty. You have such a talent for decorating...inside and out!!
Have a happy weekend.

Deborah Montgomery said...

Isn't it nice to have pictures? Sometimes I forget what I've changed up, and it's fun to look back. I think we all love to fluff up our nests from time to time and switch things out. Your home looked lovely then, and I'm sure your changes are just beautiful.
Happy June to you!! xo Deborah

Donna said...

I just love seeing and hearing about the changes you make around your beautiful home, Celestina! And your back porch area is just gorgeous! Love your wicker and shutters, and all of the wonderful accessories that really make it feel like an extension of the indoors. You sure do have a gift when it comes to decorating and restyling!!

Joy Junktion said...

It's always fun to look back and see where we have been, the changes and fun 'fads' that we have enjoyed! Looking forward to your 2016 look and seeing more of your decorative flare! Blessings, Cindy xo

handmade by amalia said...

I love the look of your home. Five years ago I wasn't yet a blogger, a lot has changed and it certainly went by quickly.

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Celestina, your home is so lovely and always looks so fresh and bright and welcoming. You can tell a lot of love and caring goes into it..Happy Weekend and thank you for your visit and your kind words..xxo Judy

Karen@Southern Gal Meets Midwest said...

What fun to go back and look at how things have changed! I love the red distressed door even though it is not as "in" now :) Have a great weekend!

Createology said...

I love how you are always re-decorating and making your home so inviting and welcoming. Your front door will definitely be an updated change. Looking forward to seeing your new June...five years fresher. Sunny Summer Smiles Dear...

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Your home is lovely. Very pretty entry and so inviting. Your guests must always feel special visiting. Your talent is awesome. Love seeing your projects. It must be grand to have your own studio. It's always fun to look back at the changes. Have a great weekend. xo

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Good Afternoon Dear Texas Neighbor,
This was a very nice stroll around your lovely home.
I did not know you five years ago, so this was new for me.
Very pretty and welcoming touches all about and just like you I change things around quite often.
Even though we have only been in our new home 6 months, I am still changing things!
The sun is finally out and hopefully my poor garden will get going again. This rain has been dreadful.
We will miss you on Tuesday and thinking of you too!
Happy Texas hugs and many blessings,

Patti said...


Thank you so much for visiting my brand new blog. I have missed blogging so much, and although much has changed in the blog world since I first began in 2006, I am happy to be back. Your kind, encouraging words remain the same, and for that I am thankful.

Your home is lovely and very inviting. Then again, that doesn't surprise me. You have a beautiful fair for decorating.

My front door is red, as are some of the walls in my house. I would never have chosen to do that, but the house came that way, and we decided to leave them like that. We've come to love the richness of the red.

Have a fantastic week.


Draffin Bears said...

Dear Celestina Marie,

Always great to see your beautiful home and looks so very inviting. You have such a talent for decorating And love to see what you do around your home.
Happy new week and many thanks for the kind visit and note you left me.

Red Rose Alley said...

What a charming studio entrance. And your back porch is very nice, Celestina. Yes, can you believe we're in June already? That's strange that it's raining in Texas right now. It's getting warmer here every day in California.

love, ~Sheri

Feral Turtle said...

Love the look of 5 years ago! Happy June Celeste.

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Celestina Marie
Celestina Marie

Welcome To Rose Garden Market from Celestina Marie Design. It is so nice to meet you. My name is Celestina Marie named after my grandmother and my friends call me Celeste.My creative journey extends over 30 years enjoying the love of painting and redesigning vintage and new treasures. I love to go treasure hunting and the fun of finding great vintage pieces to redesign..