Wednesday, October 28, 2009

~~~Makin Mittens~~~~

Today I just want to send a big thank you to my BG (best guy) for cutting the wood to make these snowman and rose mitten ornaments. I have marked and cut many wood pieces of all types over the years, so this is a huge help to me, especially this time of year when things are really buzzin in my studio. He has always helped me with everything in my decorative painting career. Even in the days of having mall space, he would go with me each week to help me move furniture, climb ladders, set up lighting and tons of other details. All this while he works his own career and travels. He is a blessing to me and to all who know this giving and generous, Best Guy of mine! Thank you so much honey!

So with wood cut, sanded and basecoated, I am ready for makin mittens.
Many have already been added to my etsy shoppe and found homes, but I have a few more on the way, including these snowman and santa designs.

These mittens are ready to finish tomorrow. Shabby to chic and folk art, all going to the etsy shoppe shortly.

These are also ready and in the shoppe here hand painted from a study in Brushtiques 3. Wooden tags hand painted with winter light houses in a 3 piece set.

Pink pumpkins have found new homes with our sweet friends, Marydon from Feedsack Fantasy and Julie Marie from idyllhours.

I'm working on lots more creations and they will be ready soon. So back to the studio I go but I'll be back tomorrow to share a view thrifty items I found recently.
Also,I want to invite you back on Friday the 30th, when I will participate in a party hosted by Deb,Ladybug from Texas called "These Boots are Made for Walkin" The party will feature favorite boots, we love to wear. It should be fun, and works perfectly with my Friday Fashion too. If you would like to participate, click on the link and visit Deb.

Thank you for stopping by today, for taking the time to visit and all the comments on each daily post. You all are so very special and your comments mean so much. It is a very busy time of year and it may take me a few days to get by to visit you, but I will soon. Thank you for understanding.
Big Hugs, Celestina Marie


blushing rose said...

OMG! The pumpkins beneath MY pumpkin ... I lust for them all! The one on the left that is misshapen is exquisite, well, they all are! What am I saying.

TYSM for my pumpkin. I will feature in this week also. I am in LOVE with it, you did an exquisite job creating it for me.

Your new mittens & other creations are adorable, Celeste. I love ALL you do, you are so creative.

TY DH for helping C out ... my does also ... without the DHs we'd be lost sometimes wouldn't we.

Hugs of gratitude, TTFN ~Marydon

Julie Marie said...

Hi Celeste, how sweet that your hubby is such a help to you! Your new little mittens are adorable and I love the lighthouses! My pink pumpkins are sooo beautiful and just exactly what I wanted! I can't wait to see your boots on Friday, I love boots, and recently bought some vintage turquoise cowgirl boots, I love them! xoxo Julie Marie

Anonymous said...

The mittens are just too adorable!!!
And those pumpkins simply are breath-taking!!!

Edie Marie's Attic said...

Oh those mittens are the most darling thing! I love them Celeste! Your guy did a great job giving you the "base" for your beautiful paintings. Nice work!

Ok you've blogged long enough... time to get back in that workshop and paint Paint PAINT!! LOL

Hugs, Sherry

Anonymous said...

They are all so beautiful. Of course my favorite ones are the lighthouse ones.


Unknown said...

Dearest indeed are truly blessed! L is such a great guy, I KNOW first hand! Isn't God great in how he puts us together with just the right Help Mate? I too, have huge support and it continues to make me want to better myself everyday!

Your creations, mittens, pumpkins well, just breathtaking! Love them all and you too!


Unknown said...

Very cute! Your work is always so lovely! Here's a round of applause for your hubby for being so helpful!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Oh Celeste....those mitten ornies....ADORABLE! I just love and I do mean LOVE the fur on the top of them....Ok, I will try to quit gushing....but they are SOOOO cute!

Unknown said...

Larry is so sweet to cute the shapes for you Celeste! I always wondered where you get your wonderful shapes from! I love the mittens and snowmen. The lighthouse ornaments are so pretty!!

The pumpkins are gorgeous as always! So many people want you pink pumpkins, I love it :)

Those boots ROCK Celeste!!! I am a boot freak!! They are my favorite thing to wear and I am always looking for more, lol! I cant wait to see your post Friday!
Love ya,

Unknown said...

I especially love those ornaments with the snowy scenes with the lighthouses. All of your creations are wonderful. I am so glad that you met Judy, we have been friends for over twenty years. We remained faithful even when I was out of the country for ten years. When I returned we both opened up our etsy shops around the same time, and had a brand new thing in common. She is an amazing person.

I hope you have a lovely and creative week.


Anonymous said...

Oh My Word... I may just have to get a pair of mittens for me!!!!!
Love your artwork... It is beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

OOH! Pink pumpkins! How sweet they are!! Why not! Shabby Chic in the pumpkin patch!

Celeste the lighthouses are really beautiful! And you and I are both so blessed with wonderful hubbies! They are one in a zillion!

Everything you paint has a delicate touch!

Hugs and blessings, friend!

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Oh Celeste,
I so love the mittens. They are absollutely devine. Marydon told me stop over and see the pumpkin that she had purchased. It is beautiful and she so loves it. What exquisite work you do. I love everything, but the mittens with the snowmen are the best. I love snowmen. Thanks for sharing. What a dear your DH is. Aren't they the best in helping us with all of our little projects. Thanks again for sharing. Country hugs, Sherry

Shabby Cottage Shoppe said...

The mittens are so cute and I LOVE the pumpkins! Beautiful pink roses!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Celestina Marie,

I loved seeing all your beautiful work today.
I especially love your snowmen and the lighthouses.
Glad the your DH does all the work that is better suited to a Man.
Mine always helps me out in this way too.


Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Those mittens are absolutely adorable! I'm going right over to your Etsy. laurie

Angela said...

I have the same pair of boots as you. My mom gave them to me on Thanksgiving so happy!!

I LOVE LOVE those mittens so much. The pumpkins are just so beautiful...of course, lighthouses too. Everything you do I just love,,lol

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Love the new creations you are working on and am always fascinated in the process involved. Thank goodness for L and K, they always help us out, don't they?! Your pumpkins are exquisite!

Love you,
Angelic Accents

Bearly Sane said...

Oh I do adore those beautiful pumpkins...they are soooo pretty.
You are so full of surprises, I never know what you're going to come up with next.

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Celestina Marie
Celestina Marie

Welcome To Rose Garden Market from Celestina Marie Design. It is so nice to meet you. My name is Celestina Marie named after my grandmother and my friends call me Celeste.My creative journey extends over 30 years enjoying the love of painting and redesigning vintage and new treasures. I love to go treasure hunting and the fun of finding great vintage pieces to redesign..