I hope your weekend was great, safe and filled with new inspirations for 2012. Today is our first Monday Market from Etsy Cottage Style for the new year. Wonderful boutiques bringing you lots of great shopping, after Christmas sales and wonderful finds. Open all week with the list of participants ready to showcase special treasures you might be looking for. Perhaps you are redecorating like I am. Are you looking for the perfect accents? You just might find it here today and all week long. Check back often as new participants add to the shop list as the week goes along.

Yes, I am redesigning once again. It seems I get the bug to redo every new year. My life of interior decorating just can't help itself. LOL~~ So the dining room is in for a remake. It's been 7 years since I updated this space and so ready to give it a fresh new do. This room has gone from country to shabby to Tuscan and now will be more of a farmhouse Parisian chic style in blacks and ivory but still flow nicely into the kitchen decor which is updated a bit too. The lighter looks with burlap,lace, gauze and vintage treasures has really inspired me for winter after visiting 2 fabulous decorating markets over the vacation and the past year. I have already started gathering my inspiration pieces and planning.
Christmas is all put safely away once again. I can't believe how fast the holiday season flew by. Thank you to all who stopped by with your new year wishes. I will be along to visit now that I am back in the studio and ready to swing paint brushes. Oh how I miss my little creative space when I am away from it for too long. Miss B does too. She is so ready to get back into our creative routine and goes to the studio door as if to say, "come on momma, lets go to work" However, we know the work is tons of fun!!
Blessing to you all for the best start to a new beginning. See you soon with some pics of the process!! Lots of furniture painting to do. Till then, here are a few pics of the beginning and a few of my display designs.
And,before we go, Miss B wanted to show you her new purse she got for Christmas.

I have never heard of farmhouse Parisian chic! Is it a combo of farmhouse and Paris? It sounds very interesting. Hope your new year was fun. We were losers again this year. Both of us have some sort of flu virus. I have no energy to put away Christmas, so it will have to wait.
Cannot wait to see updates!
Everything is so pretty!!
Hope you have a wonderful 2012!!
What a lovely dog with a lovely purse! She looks to be a great companion. I love her sweet eyes!
I also love the Celestina Marie Designs!!! Very Beautiful!
God Bless you in the New Year!
I love your scrolly dress form...wonderful...looking forward to seeing your changes!
I wanted to do some decorating in the new year also, and I would love to see more of your ideas for the dining room. The "S" candle and the Chocolat Parisienne sign are so pretty. I really like the key bottle. Do you know that I collect 'keys?' My favorite is the BLESSED pillow. I love that. Wherever did you find it? I hope that the New Year brings you much joy and creativity. You have been a special blogging friend to me, and I am so grateful for that. Happy New Year to you, dear friend.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley
Dearest Celestina,
Wishing you all the best for the plans of 2012! There will always be something to do for our 'nests'... a never ending chore. But as long as we enjoy doing this, it's great.
Love to you and yours,
How beautiful everything is Celeste, and of course my favorite is Miss Beazy with her gorgeous new purse... Tessy sends her love... I will miss posting pics of my baby, but I don't want to chance someone like that woman stealing them again... I am sad... your new vignettes look so pretty... of course I love everything French too, and I can hardly wait to see your room all finished... much love to you and Miss Beazy, xoxo Julie Marie and Tessy
Miss B and her chic new purse are just too cute. I am looking forward to your new farmhouse Parisean chic dining room. Blissful painting in your special creeative studio...
Celestina, I love Miss B's purse. She is just too adorable. All your designs are very pretty. I can't wait to see the rest. Happy New Year!
Your ideas for your diningroom sound beautiful. I can't wait to see the stages of this work-in-progress.
I would SO love to makeover any number of rooms in my house. Unfortunatley, we barely get by month to month, and now the grace period on my student loan (from early last year)is up, so it's time to start paying that back. Which means there is no extra money to redecorate. OH, well, maybe one of these years.
Blessings and hugs to you,
Hi Celeste, well, I look forward to seeing your diningroom redo. Funny, I thought you had just done that last year, LOL. Bless you, you are always changing something and everything in your house looks great because of it.
thanks for your kind comments. Chris will be retiring from the military in 1 1/2 to 2 years and we are looking at moving to Orlando Fl. I cannot take the drab, gray, cold and depressing winters here in NY anymore. We've lived in this part of the country for a long time so, we're really ready for new adventures and a change. We will go this fall to look at real estate in Orlando, not to buy yet but scope things out then return a few months later to purchase. So, I'm really hanging in there for that, something to look forward too. : )
thanks again for your sweet message. Hugs to you.
Happy New Year my friend!! Furbabies have a way of keeping us on track... Miss B. you look adorable and your new purse is quite fine!!
Wishing you a 2012 filled with abundance ... xo Blessings, HHL
Happy New Year, to you dear Celestina Marie, and sounds like you are going to have a fun and busy year ahead.
Your new plan for your dinning room will be fabulous and can't wait to see it all finished.
Miss Beazley looks adorable and what a sweet purse.
I love all your wonderful photographs especially your new profile photo.
Best wishes for a wonderful 2012, with good health, happiness, prosperity and blessings.
Happy New Year 2012!!
May all your wishes, hopes and dreams are fulfilled;
the joy and hope, are your faithful companions along this year.
Hugs, Laura.
happy new year: love, happiness, faith, magic and bblessings
Celeste, I love the pics on your sidebar of you. So beautiful.
Dying to see your new decor in that scheme of style & colors. Inspire me!
I hope that your Christmas was full of many joys & the New Year blesses you a thousand fold.
Miss B is just adorable.
We are having septic issues, as shown on blog ... having to build a whole new one. Ugh! Our New Year's gift ... not!
Love to you both, Celeste ~
It's an interesting year that lies ahead with both of us decorating Celeste, but you are so much more organised than I.
Love the photos of Miss B, she's looking very chic with her new handbag. LOL!!
Have a BEARY happy new year my friend, I will look forward to swapping snaps of interiors with you.
Warmest hugs,
Awwww, too funny that new purse of miss B lol! Really sweet and she's so proud of it so to see, hahaha. I can't wait to see the brand new dinner room when it's finished. The color scheme is very classy and chic. I love that iron torso and the Paris style chocolat plaque. It looks promissing! Enjoy decorating Celestina Marie! You have so much energy!!! ;-)
I just had to enlarge each of your pics on this post to drink in all the beauty of your sweet vingettes! Love all the vintage floral platters, the teacups, candles, and oh my, that sweet Miss Beazy! Precious got a new PINK purse from me for Christmas, too! :0)
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