To celebrate over 5 years blogging and over 100 Etsy Treasury features, I am having a giveaway to say thank you to my blogging friends and followers.
The surprise giveaway will be a gift of goodies for the holiday or winter display in your home or gift giving.
To enter, just leave a comment on this post, follow for another entry if you would like, and that's it.
The drawing will be November 2nd giving plenty of time to receive the gifts in time for Christmas.
I'm not sharing any pics of the giveaway ~~ that wouldn't be a surprise now would it?
So thank you for celebrating with me and good luck in the drawing.
Happy Autumn,
Celestina Marie
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
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Celestina Marie
Welcome To Rose Garden Market from Celestina Marie Design. It is so nice to meet you. My name is Celestina Marie named after my grandmother and my friends call me Celeste.My creative journey extends over 30 years enjoying the love of painting and redesigning vintage and new treasures. I love to go treasure hunting and the fun of finding great vintage pieces to redesign..

Thank you for stopping by~
Hello, my name is Celestina Marie, named after my grandmother and my friends call me Celeste. My designing fun extends over 30 plus years enjoying the love of decorative painting, redesigning old and new treasures along with interior design, styling and staging. You can often find me junkin for that perfect treasure.
Join me as I share my journey!
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Celebrating 12 years with Blogspot!

I'm a follower!
Congratulations and wish you more years of successful blogging!
Thank you for doing the giveaway!
I am a new follower! Hugs, Penny
I love surprises!!! Please enter me! Hugs, Penny
Hi Celestina! Happy 5th year blogging! I always love coming to visit...This is a really neat giveaway, not knowing what is in it is the best part...can you give us a hint?...No? oh darn! LOL! Congratulations friend and may you have many more years of blogging bliss!!! Hugs Jennifer
I'm already one of your followers long as you keep posting, I'll keep following...Have a nice evening! hugs Jennifer
Hello Celeste :) Wow, 5 years blogging? That is amazing! Congratulations on this and for over 100 Etsy Treasuries!! It's only been about 2 1/2 years since I started my blog, which I have been neglecting as of late. I am such a bad blogger, lol :) I would LOVE a chance to win your Surprise giveaway ~ Thank you for hosting it! And, as you know, I have been following your blog for quite some time now :)
Warmest hugs, Brenda
Congratulations of 5 years! I think we started around the same time. I discovered your blog shortly after I started mine.
I follow you in 2 places! lol On blogger and on Thunderbird, a blog organizing program my husband et up. Happy anniversary.
Oh I just love surprises! I know whatever it is, it will be wonderful!
Happy follower here!!
Congratulations on over 5 years and all that you've accomplished during this time.
I am already a follower.
Hi Celeste, wow five years of blogging.....I'm not sure ill make it another
How wonderful a surprise give away...count me in ;)
I'm back, forgot to mention...but you already know I'm a sweet
Congratulations Dear on your posts of over 500 and an amazing 100 etsy Treasuries. Quite the accomplishments. Love this photo with your brushes. Falling into Autumn Bliss...
Congratulations! What an inspiration you are! Always a joy to visit you and your beautiful blog!
Congratulations on 5 years of blogging, Celeste! I hope I am still blogging after 5 years.
I've been following your beautiful blog for awhile now.
Dearest Celestina Marie,
Congrats to this new milestone! You've written many a word, many sentiments and you've written with your brushes stories of love and compassion for others to enjoy.
Hugs to you and yes, such a surprise would be great for receiving from your artist hands.
5 years and still going strong, thats wonderful, congratulations! And being featured in so many treasuries, that is showing us all how gorgeous your creations are and how much they are appreciated by so many people.
Hi Celestina, I just wanted to stop by and say hello, and see what is going on at your beautiful blog. They say it is a small world and it is, I see you and Marie Whitman are online friends,and her and I have been online friends for quite some times and have done some fun swaps. Speaking of swaps, if you are ever up for another with me, I would be delighted to do another. I hope all is well with you. Big hug Wanda
Celestina, congratulations on 5 years of blogging and sharing your wonderful creative work. I'm already a follower ..xo c. (HHL)
Congratulations on your 5 yrs! You have been such a faithful blogger and we all have learned so much from your talents! You also have a sweet spirit and such a great outlook on life, that you are a true inspiration.
Keep inspiring us with your beautiful creations, Celeste!
How exciting! You are always so sweet and generous! I was just on a friend's blog looking at some pretty things you've made that she has in her kitchen! I'm a happy follower and a friend! Hugs!
Happy Anniversary and WOW on the Etsy Treasuries, that has to be a record, but well deserved, your items are beautiful!!
Congrats!! for your 5 years and hope for many more.. your work is awesome...
I am a email follower so I miss nothing... :D
Congrats on the blog anniversary. Count me in on the giveaway.
I am also a follower of your great blog.
OH how exiting, dear,
so many years and so many features.... years I`m sure ,filled with beautiful posts and returned lovely comments.
Congratulations Celestina Marie.
I would love to be in your drawing.
I love your blog! Hope you have many more years of blogging.
Congratulations and thank you for all the inspiration you have brought to me over the years.-
I have been following your lovely blog for a long time now and so enjoy it.
Five years and 100 Treasuries - how wonderful! I bet there are many more Treasuries ahead of you - you have such a beautiful talent, and make such wonderful things.
This is a wonderful Giveaway Celestina!
Hello sweet Celestina Marie,
I am a follower as you know and anything you are offering for a Giveaway would be fabulous. So, please enter my name. I hope all is well with you and you are enjoying these Autumn days. Take care.
Congratulations on your blogging anniversary!! Your tablescape in the previous post was really pretty.
Congratulations on being in 100 Treasuries and five years of blogging.
I admire your consistency...I promise myself I am going to be better about blogging, but it seems other things get into the way. I just have to do better!!!
I am and have been a follower of your pretty blog and would love a chance to win your prize!
Oh I hope it is something with your beautiful roses painted on it...Count me in!! Congratulations of 5 years...What and accomplishment, it would be fun to see your very first post!!
Congratultions Celeste ... 5 years? Has it really been that long, they do say time flies when you're having fun!! :)
I was just looking at my lovely Christmas ornaments the other day while I was re-arranging and they brought back so many happy memories of you.
Take care and have a wonderful weekend.
Your friend from downunder,
Hello my friend,
How I love your harvest design and arrangement. This is such a glorious time of year. You are so thoughtful to offer a giveaway and, especially, with Christmas right around the corner.
Thank you so much!
I hope I win because I love all your creations!!! Congrats on 100 Treasuries too!
Have a blessed weekend :)
I would be so happy to win your surprise gift. Please enter my name.
Thanks so much for this chance to win.
xo bj
I am a new follower. :)
Hi Celestina Marie!!
Congratulations on your jubilee! I always enjoy coming over to you ;-)) Hope all is well with you and that you're inspired for wintry creations!
Blessings and hugs,
Wow, Celestina five years blogging and not only that 100 treasuries that is quite an accomplishment, Congratulations dear friend. this give away sounds so interesting, I love surprises. Hugs, Lu
Thank you for the give a way and of course you know I am a follower. Blessings...Lu
Dear Celestina,
I would love a chance to win your giveaway. And now, I am curious as to what it may be. Five years of blogging, that is wonderful!! Have a nice Autumn Sunday.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley
Thank you for your kind and sweet words, Celestina. My cousin died of breast cancer. She could fight no longer, she was so weak. Hugs, Lu
Congratulations on your blogs 5 year anniversary and your Etsy accomplishment. How wonderful for you!! Enjoy checking in and seeing what beautiful project or decorating challenge you've taken on. : )
Congratulations on your anniversary of 5 years! Always love visiting your blog and seeing what beautiful things you have accomplished! Thank you for all the times you have inspired me!
My dear Celestina,
I would love to win the wonderful surprise of your always beautiful creations.
I am, and will continue to be, a follower of your beautiful blog.
In Grace,
Happy autumn to you too, Celestina. Thank you for the lovely chance to win a surprise. Coming from you I am sure anything will be perfect. :)
Much love,
Celestina, Hello again. I am so excited about our after the holidays swap. If you would like to contact me off blog my email is
TTFN and a big hug
Five years! Congratulations! What a sweet thing to do!
Came over to say hi and was so delighted that I am not too late to sign up for you giveaway!!!
Carolyn for Thinkin of Home blog was here for days. Just took her back to the airport this morning. We had fun talking about all or favorite bloggers while she was here! I have been off the computer for days though and am catching up as I copy off my 500 ministry newsletters that I need to get out!
bee blessed
Gosh I am not sure how long I have been following your sweet blog but I think almost from the beginning! Love all the inspiration you bring!
I am having a little giveaway at my place too- come and sign up for some honey from my bees and other fun stuff!
bee blessed
You know I have been a follower for quite some time now....
I would be honored to be included in your giveaway!!
Congrats on 5 years of blogging!!
Happy 5 years of Blogging~!~
I would be pleased to WIN a surprise gift from you!!! Pick me! ♥
I would love to be the winner of your surprise giveaway. I know anything you offer will be over the moon great. Congrats on 5 years.
A surprise!! I think that is fun! Maybe I will be the lucky one....!!
Congratulations, Celestina! Five years of inspiration give and take in Blogland - a laudable milestone! So glad to have met you here - and always a pleasure to see all your pretties!! Do enter me in the drawing - always fun to participate! May your next five years of blogging see you grow in greater goodness and beauty!!
Congratulations Celestina on your 5 years of blogging. I have enjoyed being one of your followers and reading your blog ever chance I get. It has been hit and miss lately with hubby in the hospital and now in a nursing home getting physical theraphy. It is a hective time for me. I have a craft show coming up to do with my grandson. We have done it together for the last three years and am looking forward to it. I would love to enter your giveway. Hugs and prayers from Your Missouri Friend
Hi Celeste!
Please sign us up for your giveaway! And we follow you.
Love that you reposted your first post... Wow time flies when you're havin' fun!! Congrats!
love & hugs, Sherry
I saw your blog on "Etsy Cottage Style Blog" and I am now a follower!
What a beautiful blog and I adore your witchy photos!
I am also off to your Etsy shop and treasuries!
Hi Celeste:-)
Congratulations on your 5th Blogiversary!! I've been blogging for over 6 years and just love all the friends I've made through it:-) Congratulations as well on your 100+ Etsy Treasury features...I was checking out your creations and omigosh, everything is so beautiful!
I've become a follower of your beautiful blog and would love to be entered in your giveaway. xo
Wow!! Amazing count me in!! Thanks for stopping by today. I'm so happy you did or I would never have found your blog.
i'm so happy to follow you,i am enjoy to every your new post.
Wow, 5 years of blogging. I am less than a year. What I love about blogging is how it pushes me to do my projects rather than just think about them.
I just started following you so I need to take some time and go back to see the evolution over 5 years.
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