Hello Friends and welcome to this month's vintage alphabet party brought to you by the letters P~Q~R. The idea here is to showcase and feature vintage items starting with these letters.
So let's start the party with the letter P. Many years ago my grandmother made gorgeous PILLOWS using a pleating technique. I love to bring this one out during the Fall and Winter months because of it's rich red burgundy color. These took hours of work and had to be clearly marked on the wrong side before creating. I remember as a child, my mother marking the fabric for my grandmother, who then would sew the creation into the wonderful pleated design you see on this square PILLOW.
Moving on with the letter P, I will share~~
Frankomo POTTERY!
PITCHERS from my Vintage Collection!
Treasured Vintage PLATE!
Vintage PRINTS, I just adore framed in shabby ivory!
Vintage Beaded PURSE!
Vintage PITCHER & bowl, handmade by my Mother many years ago!
Gorgeous PLATTER, another treasure of my grandmother!
Collectible glass PUMPKIN candle holder originally from Avon!
Another old PLATE!
Cherished PIE PLATE! from the Watson Company.
And my beloved PIE BIRDS! also was my Mother's from the 40's
Moving on to the Q's was more of a challenge but I did think of a few treasures starting with this very old QUILT given to me from my grandma. It has gorgeous warm Fall colors and a cozy quilt to wrap in on a cool Autumn day to relax.
QUILT Friendship Heart made for me by a dear friend, many years ago!
And, you just have to love the old QUART size Mason/Ball Jars!
Lastly for the Q's I have a vintage QUILTED FAN PILLOW also could be one of the P's.
So this brings us to the R's and to start I have to share with you one of my very favorite pieces, treasured and loved. Created by my great grandfather in the early 1900's from the Glass Factory in W. Virginia. It is a gorgeous RED GLASS PLATTER (also could fall under the P's) with a swirl design, very art deco in style, and I display this gorgeous piece in my red quest room.
Vintage RING BOXES~ the one in the middle was my grandmother's and I recently saw it in an antique mall marked 200 dollars!
Vintage RED BIRDS from the 40's. My Dad loved these and made shadow boxes to display them. I have them hung right on the wall.
Vintage ROSARY BEADS from the 50's these belonged to my grandmother! These beads actually glow in the dark. They are beautiful in person.
More ROSARY BEADS! The black beads are so dear and belonged to my hubby when he was in grade school in the 60's. The white beads are from Italy from a great Aunt.
Vintage RED SHORT HAND BUSINESS SCHOOL BOOK! This wonderful book was my sweet Mother's from the middle 40's when she was in high school. Look you can even see some spilled ink on the cover. It had other owners before her, but she was the last.
Here is a peek inside. See the short hand? WOW!!
Lastly to finish the letter R, I have one of my most cherished treasure from my Mother. It was her RECIPE BOX, stuffed full of recipes just as she left them. I have gone through it completely but it will always stay stuffed full just like it is. Some of the best in the world recipes are tightly stuffed in this box. Some date to the early 40's before she even married. I love it and this wonderful treasure always reminds me of childhood dinners and wonderful times in the kitchen with my dear Mom!
A look inside this special RECIPE BOX!
Now for my last R is another wonderful treasure. MOM's RECIPE BOOK from the 40's. It was first published in 1929. This book is so lovingly used and worn, that mom had to add a book cover years ago made from a grocery bag.
In the middle of the book is a section on how to cook during WARTIME. These pages are with a blue background, hard to see in this picture.
Inside pic of a homemade loaf of bread. Can you just catch the warm scent filling the air on a Fall day? So yummy!
Once again here is the grocery bag cover keeping company with my dear pie birds.
So that's it for the letters P,Q and R. I know this was a long post and I thank you for staying around to the end. It was a fun challenge this month and if you'd like to visit many more participants, click ETSY COTTAGE STYLE and view the other wonderful vintage finds.
Remember to enter my Visitor Thank You Giveaway and drawing to be pulled from the pink cowgirl hat on October 1st.
As always, it was wonderful to have you visit and I enjoy each and every comment left. Till I see you again, you know where I will be. In the studio creating lots of new treasures to fill the shelves HERE.
Love to you all.
Blessings, Celestina Marie
This was wonderful! Your photos are gorgeous! I have the little pumpkin from Avon too from many many years ago when I sold it. I've never burned it. LOL Thanks for sharing.
Wow, don't even know where to begin on compliments! All your items are so beautiful! I would certainly treasure the recipes as well. My Mom was always cooking, for us, for my friends, I love cooking as well. Thanks for sharing these beautiful items. Have a lovely week!
Hi Celestina Marie,
I loved seeing all your antique treasures and the ones handed down from your Family must be so cherished.
The little box filled with recipes must make you happy when you look through them.
The glass platter and the little friendship heart are gorgeous.
Have a beautiful week
Just forgot to say, like the new Autumn look to your blog.
Happy Autumn
Blessings & hugs
Such beautiful things to remember your loved ones by. I think of all of them I love the recipes handed down by your mom. You must really feel close to her when you pull those out.
Have a great week,
Hi Celestina! You have so many things I didn't even think of!
This is a great post. I've been so busy this weekend trying to get ready for my first craft show of the season next Sat and Sun. I almost forgot to post the party!!!
If ya stop by I.m not even sure if I'll get my post up for a couple of days. Phew I'm off..it's after 11 and I'm off to bed.
Thanks so much for kicking off the party. You help make it so fun.
I love all your pictures. The pitcher and bowl brings back memories of my Mother-in-law. She would make one for each of her Sons wives when they got married. She had 6 boys and one girl. Sad to say she never made one for me. She became ill after David and I got married and passed away about a year afterwards. Everytime I see them they remind me what a wonderful Mother-in-law she was. She was the best and I still miss her to this day. One of these days I am going to buy me a set for my home just to remind me of her.
What lovely items you pictured for the alphabet challenge. I especially enjoyed the Friendship Heart quilt. What a treasure! Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful treasures, Precious, Quaint and Rare.
I just love the hand sewn heart with the little buttons and the rosary beads! I also have a few old ones and have always wanted to collect more. There is something wonderful about those lovely rosaries and all the faith that was poured into their use. Have a great day Celestina!
Tina xo
Keeping all those treasures from the past are so special!
I especially liked the rosaries. I collect rosaries (and use them also!) I have one in marcasite stone, another in jade, and just so many beautiful ones that were given as gifts.
I just love vintage, and when it comes to family treasures, it makes them so much more special!
Thanks for sharing. Your photos were wonderful!
Celest, love all of your PQR items. Great collection of beautiful vintage items. I too have my late mother's recipe book that I learned how to cook from and will cherish it and pass it down to my daughter. Great blog. Hugs, Pat
Oooh Celeste... this post touches my heart so... you and I share the same love of family and precious heirlooms... the pillow your grandma made is so pretty! And I love the little pitcher and bowl your mama did...the quilt that your grandma gave you looks so cozy, and I am sure each time you snuggle up it in, your grandma is right there beside you...I also love the precious ring box that once was hers. Your red birds that your daddy loved are gorgeous, and once again, I know beautiful memories are everywhere! I also know how priceless your mama's recipe box full of yummy recipes is. I love how the ladies would write little special notes on each one... and I couldn't believe it when I saw your mama's shorthand book! I have the EXACT one that was my mama's, the anniversary edition even! There is an old pressed flower inside that she placed there oh so many years ago... I received it after my daddy passed away, and inside was the address my mama grew up at... along with her name and her advisary teacher... through that, I was able to find the old house she lived in that my grandpa built... I had not been there for so many years and had not been able to find it until her book... thanks for such a beautiful, heartfelt post full of precious memories... love to you... xoxo Julie Marie
Just dropping in to say hello from Washington, sugar!
Hi Celeste,
You have such wonderful keepsakes from your Mom. How special they are.
Thankfully, my Mom is still with us and we will celebrate her 85th B-day in Nov. I am planning a get together in FL for about 15 of us to be there with her.
I didn't know your grandfather was from WV. I was born there.
I will answer your e-mail soon. I had the baby all day today so Sarah could have Jonas tested for an allergy problem. Can't get much done with her here and the weekend was very busy.
Loved seeing all your pretties in this post.
Talk to you soon!
Celeste, what precious mementos and memories to go along with them...
forgive my quick post...it's been one of those long days away from home and a busy week ahead.
I have a glow-in-the-dark rosary too. :-) I can't remember where they came from though...but my other one is from my hubby.
Hugs to you...love your new fall look on your blog!
Blessings, Diane
WOW!! You found all kinds of good stuff for the alphabet party:) I had forgotten all about those pleated pillows, one of my grandma's used to make those too.
Wow! I love all of your collections!
And the pitcher that you mom made is simply stunning...what talent!
Kimberly :-)
Good Mornin! Just wanted to pop in and say thanks for comin by ;)
You can bet I'll be havin a rosary in my pocket at the craft show.
I found a rosary just like your hubby's for Jim...lol..he has his little bible, but has no idea where the rosary went. I still have mine. It's silver with crystal beads...LOL..they used to be diamond cuts, but are very rounded, has a little blue tinge to em from carrying them in jeans pockets, and it's started to fall apart...so It's now in a safe place and I have a new one. When Jim's Sisters got married or when one of his neices get married for the 'something borrowed' they carry a rosary attatched to their bouquet.....well I have to have a
rosary in colors to match those bride's of course ;)
Loved my visit to your blog, Diane sent me over. Enjoyed the photos. Love the pie birds and the heart your friend made.
You have such lovely collections Celester, everything is just beautiful.
You have gone over the top with this wonderful idea and your displays are spectacular. So many of your things are treasures and nostalgic....just lovely. So good to visit you again.
We having been doing so much I have so little time for anything else. Good to be in touch again.
Love and hugs,
Hi Celeste :) Thanks so much for stopping by my Bear Teaparty yesterday; I'm feeling much better today, but still not quite fully myself :) I really like your mother's shorthand book...I took a shorthand class when I was in high school myself :)
Warmest hugs, Brenda
Celestina, LOVE this post today! First..got the baby shoes in the mail and LOVE THEM! They are even MORE GORGEOUS than the pic showed them on your etsy shoppe! You are talented! So talented! Thanks for not burying the talents/gifts the Lord has given you. About the post now...so many things I can relate to. The one plate that has the George Washington type man/woman, my mother has five of those plates., and so I've begun to collect them pieces at a time..and hope to get her five some day. :) The Gregg Shorthand book brings back memories, they were still using that when I was in school in the early 70's taking shorthand three years in a row. Your heart for the heirlooms is so much like mine. Many family heirlooms in our home remind both my husband of our grandparents that are no longer with us. Having their things around us keeps their memory very alive to us. You are PRECIOUS my friend! If I ever get to TX for a visit...or you want to fly to the Atlanta GA area...you've got a B&B Suite here in my home! Okay? Blessings my dear talented friend! Hugs! ~CC Catherine (PS - love your choice of music too) ;)
G'eve CEleste ~ So many of these items we have or had ... we have the recipe box from Harold's Mother ... our Frankoma collection we sold off but it is such a beautiful pottery. So love the rosary's ... I treasure mine, too. Golly, that shorthand book brings back many a memory from class.
As always, you have dreamy treasures.
Am so enjoying my pumpkin, wait until you see the pics of it, we LOVE it, my special friend.
Have a lovely eve ~
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
This is such a terrific post, so full of vintage eye candy! I don't even know where to start....the tucked/pleated pillow is gorgeous and the platter makes me swoon. Love that you still have the Gregg Shorthand book of your mother's. Those little pie birds are precious, too.
Love you,
Angelic Accents
I came here by a link on another blog. I was just scrolling down through your posts and enjoying what I saw and then I did a double-take when I saw the recipe box. I have one exactly like it that I've had since I was a teenager. I'm 74 years old now or will be in two days. I've thought about replacing it a few times, but never did. It's in a drawer in my kitchen right now. How nice to see another one just like it.
Have a nice week.
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